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Media Coverage

February 2, 2025
Movin’ Care for Parkinson’s Disease Project

Funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and co-organised by the Centre on Behavioral Health and School of Nursing of The University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation, the Jockey Club Movin’ Care for Parkinson's Disease Project aims to establish a comprehensive and sustainable community care service model for disease-related communities.

Professor Jojo Kwok, Assistant Professor at the School of Nursing and the Associate Director at the Centre on Behavioral Health at the University of Hong Kong, highlighted in a radio feature, “The Project has been launched for a year. During this year, we have enhanced community care support by educating individuals on identifying pre-motor symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease, such as sleep disturbances, constipation, loss of smell and depression. Early diagnosis enables patients to access relevant treatment and care promptly. We promote early attention to disease risks, early diagnosis and rehabilitation support, and early care of physical and mental health while encouraging broader societal involvement in supporting the caring for Parkinson’s disease.” Professor Kwok added, “Through community rehabilitation support services, patients receive personalised service, while patients and their carers benefit from comprehensive community care support, and improves their physical, mental, social and spiritual health. We are committed to fostering community engagement to raise awareness of Parkinson’s disease within the community.”

For full version of the programme, please visit: 

(《同途有心人》- February 2, 2025)

January 22, 2025
Groups Call for Government Ban on Flavoured Cigarettes

The Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health (COSH) urged a government ban on flavoured cigarettes. Professor Kelvin Wang Man-ping from the School of Nursing, The University of Hong Kong, led his research team and conducted a survey between January and May 2024 on flavoured cigarettes. The survey revealed that nearly half of the Hong Kong smokers are using flavoured cigarettes, with a higher proportion among women and teenagers. Professor Wang highlighted, “There is an increase in the popularity of flavoured cigarettes among these groups. The survey also showed that 46 percent of interviewees were smokers, and over 86 percent of female smokers aged 15 to 29 are using flavoured cigarettes, leading to greater addiction and difficulty in quitting. The survey also indicated strong public support for banning flavoured cigarettes, with over 70 percent of respondents in favour of such legislation.” He added, “There is an urgent need for legislation to completely ban flavoured cigarettes to safeguard public health.”

(The Standard,, i-Cable,, RTHK English News, RTHK, – January 22, 2025; SCMP, Ming Pao Daily News, Hong Kong Economic Journal, Sing Tao Daily, Sing Pao, am730, RTHK《 ⾃由風⾃由 PHONE》– January 23, 2025; – January 31, 2025)

January 18, 2025
Breastfeeding GPS by HKU School of Nursing

There has been increased support and resources in Hong Kong for creating breastfeeding-friendly environments. However, many mothers still feel the support is inadequate. On a radio programme, Professor Kris Lok, Assistant Professor at HKU School of Nursing, encourages mothers to proactively discuss their needs with their employers if they continue breastfeeding after returning to work.

Professor Lok said, “Our School has developed the “Breastfeeding GPS” mobile application which enables users to locate over 600 breastfeeding facilities and breastfeeding-friendly places in Hong Kong based on their needs and preferences.” The app also has added-value features, such as a “baby growth diary”.

Since its launch, the app has been downloaded over 15,000 times and is available for free. To ensure that mothers can breastfeed with peace of mind anywhere, the School continues to offer free training to companies and organisations to help them understand the needs of breastfeeding mothers and how to provide practical assistance.

To date, over 50 organisations have completed training to become breastfeeding-friendly places. The School also conducts monthly free online breastfeeding workshops, where nurses and internationally certified lactation consultants demonstrate correct techniques and share tips on preparing to return to the workforce. The workshops have had over 3,200 participants to date.

Professor Lok expressed, “We are delighted to support mothers every step of the way, from pregnancy to breastfeeding. We also call upon all audiences to join us in supporting mothers and families. Together, we can contribute to building a baby-friendly, breastfeeding-friendly community.”

For full version of the programme, please visit: 

(RTHK TV《香港家書》 – January 18, 2025)

December 29, 2024
Elderly benefit from brisk walking

Led by Professor Doris Yu, Professor at HKU School of Nursing, a research team for the Jockey Club Active Elders Programme is following up on the physical and mental benefits experienced by older adults through participation in a brisk walking programme. The study monitors 273 older individuals for six months and undergoes three assessments. About one-third of them live alone, with the majority aged between 70-79 years old, and half of them are widowed. Professor Yu stated that, “The research focuses on the physical strength, mental well-being, social engagement and vitality of older adults. Assessments were conducted before their participation in the brisk walking programme, with follow-up assessments at three and six months afterwards. The results show significant improvements in overall physical strength and a reduction of symptom risk. For example, the fall risk decreased from 7% to 3%, while the risk of sarcopenia decreased from 39% to 29%. According to the exercise level recommended by the World Health Organization, there was 40% of participants not meeting the standards. After participation in the brisk walking programme, such proportion decreased to 20%, with effects lasting up to six months. Additionally, 62% of the participants initially reported having poor memory, but this decreased to 47% after completing the brisk walking programme, showing a significant improvement.” Professor Yu also highlighted that there is a particular concern for older adults with social isolation, especially those living alone or widowed. Through brisk walking, they are able to rebuild connections with peers, gradually reintegrating into the community. She hopes that the positive research outcomes will be shared with other regions or that more institutions will be encouraged to join the initiative.

(,,,, Sing Pao – December 29, 2024)

December 14, 2024
Parents and Schools Urge Government to Expedite Ban on Possessing Electronic Cigarettes

Professor Derek Cheung Yee-tak, Assistant Professor at HKU School of Nursing expressed concerns about the increasing use of electronic cigarettes, drug abuse and shisha smoking among young individuals in a press conference. He emphasised, “We urge the government to expedite the prohibition on possessing electronic cigarettes to safeguard the health of our youth, ideally by the first quarter of 2025.” Parents and educators are worried about drugs being mixed into the flavouring of electronic cigarettes, which are highly addictive and harmful to health. In 2023, statistics showed that the e-cigarette smoking rate among secondary school students in Hong Kong reached 1.1%, significantly higher than the 0.2% among adults, indicating a greater appeal of electronic cigarettes to the younger population. Professor Cheung added, “A health survey on primary and secondary students in Hong Kong found that there is a strong smoking intention and nicotine addiction among adolescents who smoke electronic cigarettes.” Shisha smoke contains higher levels of nicotine, carbon monoxide, and carcinogens compared to traditional cigarettes, with secondhand shisha smoke containing nine times higher carbon monoxide and 30 times higher levels of carcinogens than traditional secondhand cigarette smoke, leading to potential long-term neurological effects. As students are influenced by family and peer pressure, Professor Cheung recommended enhancing educational efforts within schools as schools play a significant role in shaping students’ behaviours and choices.

(, – December 14, 2024; Hong Kong Commercial Daily, Sing Pao – December 15, 2024)

November 27, 2024
Push for higher penalties on shisha smoking in Hong Kong

The incident regarding shisha smoking in a confined space, which resulted in a smoker suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning and requiring emergency treatment, leading to subsequent memory loss and other sequelae, has prompted calls for strengthening penalties on illegal smoking premises.

Despite indoor areas of bars being designated as no-smoking areas, shisha smoking is prevalent. Professor Kelvin Wang, Professor at HKU School of Nursing and a member of the Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health (COSH), commented that “A study by The University of Hong Kong indicated that the rate of young smokers aged 25 or younger who have ever smoked shisha has reached 45% from 2020 to 2022, an increase of 9 percent compared with surveys in previous years.” Professor Wang added, “Smoking shisha often involves adding some flavouring agents that enhance the smoking experience, making the smoker feels the risk of harm is reduced. The fine of selling shisha is too low. Selling five shisha is already equivalent to a fine. The fine should be increased, say, to HKD 3,000 or 5,000.” Furthermore, it is also recommended that authorities should step up efforts to eliminate unlicensed smoking establishments in order to address public health concerns related to shisha smoking.

( – November 26, 2024; TVB news – November 27, 2024)

November 4, 2024
Challenges Faced by Breastfeeding Mothers and Adequacy of Support in Promoting Exclusive Breastfeeding

In a recent television programme, Professor Kris Lok Yuet-wan, Assistant Professor at the HKU School of Nursing, mentioned the challenges faced by breastfeeding mothers and the support needed to promote exclusive breastfeeding. The HKU School of Nursing team is conducting interviews with breastfeeding moms to assess their support requirements and Nursing students are conducting fieldwork across Hong Kong to gather data, including taking photos of breastfeeding facilities. Ever since the launch of the 'Breastfeeding GPS' search app in September 2022, it has garnered 13,000 users. Professor Lok, who is a breastfeeding mother herself, highlighted the lack of support in Hong Kong. She noted that the app has led to societal improvements, such as the availability of proper nursery room in malls with necessary equipment and more spacious areas for mothers with infants.

For full version of the programme, please visit:

(Now News “Now Report” – November 4, 2024)

October 18, 2024
Scholars criticised the policy address’s announcement of tax reduction on liquor as a step back

In a recent TV programme, Professor Derek Cheung Yee-tak, Assistant Professor at the HKU School of Nursing, commented on the latest policy address announcement of tax reduction on liquor in an attempt to promote trade growth. Professor Cheung expressed concern that it is a step-back approach because the World Health Organization (WHO) advocates for increased taxes as the most effective strategy to reduce alcohol-related harm. Professor Cheung recommended measures such as limiting alcohol sales points and implementing alcohol labelling requirements to reduce alcohol-related harm.

(Now News – October 18, 2024)

September 23, 2024
AI-powered tool determines risk of heart disease

Personalised CARdiovascular DIsease risk Assessment for Chinese (P-CARDIAC) model is an AI-powered risk prediction tool specifically designed to predict the risk of developing cardiovascular disease in Chinese individuals, which is the first of its kind in Hong Kong. Professor Celine Chui Sze-ling, Assistant Professor at the School of Nursing and School of Public Health of HKUMed and her multidisciplinary research team will lead the HEARTWISE study utlising this innovative P-CARDIAC model to evaluate its effectiveness, focusing on its application in secondary care for cardiovascular patients.

The HEARTWISE study aims to recruit 3,000 patients aged 18 to 80 from six public hospitals, hoping the findings can improve cardiovascular disease risk assessment, enhance primary and secondary prevention strategies, promote personalised healthcare, and lead to improved use of medication.

A pilot study conducted in a District Health Centre setting of 20 patients with 15 attending follow-up visits showed preliminary results of 80 per cent of patients reported having a better understanding of their risk profile thanks to the tool, leading to improved use of medication.

Professor Chui said, “The pilot study represents a significant step towards enhancing community-based healthcare services in the region, with the ultimate goal is to alleviate the healthcare burden and reduce public health costs associated with chronic disease management.” She added, “Applying the ‘predict and prevent’ approach in cardiovascular disease management could reduce the mortality rate by 25 per cent.” She hoped the AI-powered tool could be used in all Hong Kong public hospitals as early as 2028.

(RTHK English news,,,, i-Cable, RTHK,, Metroradio, Ming Pao, ON.CC, Sing Tao Daily Web, Headline Daily Web, Wenweipo Web, HKCD,, HK01,, Hong Kong China News Agency, South China Morning Post, The Standard, Ming Pao Daily News, Oriental Daily News, Sing Tao Daily, Hon Kong Economic Times, Sing Pao, Ta Kung Pao, Wen Wei Po, am730 – September 22, 2024; The Times, Life News Agency – September 23, 2024; The Express, RTHK《千禧年代》– September 25, 2024; The Chronicle – September 26, 2024; – October 3, 2024; RTHK《精靈一點 》– November 11, 2024)

September 4, 2024
Extended paid maternity leave: Positive impact on public health

Professor Kris Lok, Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, joined with other research members from the School of Public Health and School of Clinical Medicine, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong; Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore; and School of Nursing, The University of British Columbia, Canada, recently published findings in the healthcare journal Health Affairs. Their research found that extending Hong Kong's statutory paid maternity leave from 10 to 14 weeks in 2020 led to a significant improvement in maternal mental health. The study revealed a 22% decrease in postnatal depressive symptoms among mothers and a 33% reduction in mothers reporting that baby care interfered with their emotional well-being.

For details, please visit:

(, Metroradio,, Ming Pao, ON.CC,, EJ Insight, Sing Tao Daily,, Sing Tao USA,,,, healthyD, Ohpama,, Infocast Financial Newswire, The Standard, Hong Kong Economic Times, BioMed Central – September 4, 2024;,, Hong Kong China News Agency, – September 5, 2024; RTHK 《自由風自由 PHONE》, – September 6, 2024; Targeted News Service – September 8, 2024; Ming Pao JUMP – September 9, 2024)

August 2, 2024
World Breastfeeding Week

World Breastfeeding Week (WBW) is observed annually between August 1 and 7. This year's theme is “Closing the Gap: Breastfeeding Support for All”, which aims to encourage collaboration among people from different sectors to eliminate factors that hinder breastfeeding and support mothers in sustaining it.

Professor Kris Lok, Assistant Professor, School of Nursing of The University of Hong Kong mentioned in a TV news feature, “Breastfeeding allows mothers to continue providing essential nutrition to their babies, which supports stronger immunization, body and brain growth. Additionally, breastfeeding aids in the recovery of mothers after giving birth, helping them regain their pre-pregnancy weight and reducing the risk of cancer and osteoporosis. Moreover, breastfeeding strengthens the bond between mother and baby.” World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life, followed by continued breastfeeding with appropriate complementary foods for up to 2 years or beyond. Professor Lok added, “Mothers can prepare for breastfeeding by researching information and tips, attending breastfeeding seminars, and seeking guidance from healthcare professionals in advance. We encourage early initiation of breastfeeding, frequent breastfeeding, and proper breastfeeding techniques to ensure the best outcome for both mother and baby.”

For full version of the programme, please visit:

(RTHK TV《凝聚香港》 – August 2, 2024)

July 13, 2024
Air in some Hong Kong shisha bars contains dangerous levels of PM2.5 particles

Professor Jay Lee, Assistant Professor at HKU School of Nursing, announced some ‘alarming’ findings regarding air quality at shisha bars. On weekends, the concentration of PM2.5 particles could reach as much as 2,300 micrograms per cubic metre of air in some shisha bars in the city. According to the World Health Organization, the guidelines for safe exposure to PM2.5 particles are an average of 5mcg/cubic metre annually and an average of 15mcg/cubic metre for 24 hours. He urges the government to impose more control on flavoured tobacco products.

For the details of the article, please visit:

(SCMP – July 13, 2024)

July 4, 2024
Ban the use of flavoured waterpipe and tobacco products

Dr Kevin Luk, Research Assistant Professor at HKU School of Nursing and Project Director of Youth Quitline, mentioned in a radio news feature regarding the health risks of waterpipe smoking, “Waterpipe contains a large number of toxic substances, including nicotine, tar, carbon monoxide and other carcinogens. Smoking waterpipe can cause a variety of cardiovascular diseases and cancers. The amount of smoke inhaled by smoking waterpipe for one hour is equivalent to smoking 100 to 200 traditional cigarettes. The amount of nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide ingested is also several times to dozens of times that of smoking traditional cigarettes. The water in the waterpipe device is only used to lower the temperature of the smoke and increase the moisture content, making the smoke easier to smoke. It cannot filter harmful substances in the smoke.” Dr Luk added that a significant proportion of waterpipe smokers are young smokers, most of them are smoking flavoured waterpipe and consuming other tobacco products also. He strongly supported the government’s decision to ban the use of flavoured waterpipe and tobacco products in both indoor and outdoor settings, as well as promoting public education on the harms of these tobacco products, ultimately to achieve “Smoke-free Hong Kong”.

For full version of the programme, please visit:

(RTHK【自由風自由 PHONE】– July 4, 2024)

June 17, 2024
Scholar commented that smoking control measures would not affect local tourism

On June 6, the government proposed ten tobacco-control measures, including expanding statutory non-smoking areas to the entrances and exits of childcare centres, schools, residential care homes for the elderly, and public healthcare facilities, etc.

Professor Kelvin Wang from the School commented that he is confident that Hong Kong will be able to hit its target of lowering the smoking rate to 7.8% by the end of 2025. He emphasised that it is the tobacco companies using nicotine to deprive people of the freedom to participate in healthy activities but not the tobacco control measures. He commented that the smoking control measures would not affect local tourism. He suggested that the government can significantly increase tobacco taxes, proactively contact smokers to provide short-term smoking cessation services and make referrals to the Hospital Authority, The University of Hong Kong and other institutions to help quit smoking.

(CRHK 《政好星期天》, Ming Pao online news, Sing Tao Daily news,, – June 16 2024; The Standard, Oriental Daily News – June 17, 2024)

June 13, 2024
Six in ten are happy with their family life

Nearly 60% of Hongkongers are happy with their family life, according to a survey conducted by the Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC) and The University of Hong Kong (HKU). More than 4,500 Hong Kong residents aged 18 or above were invited to partake in the online questionnaire, drafted by the SMART Family-Link Project under HKJC and the School of Nursing of HKU, which looked into the post-pandemic family happiness levels. The study was conducted between July and August 2023.

58% of the respondents reported a high Family "Xingfu" - which stands for well-being and happiness in Mandarin - giving it a mean score of seven or higher. Female (60.4%), older adults (64.2%), educated with postsecondary degrees (63%), coming from high-income households earning HK$60,000 or more per month (73.7%), and property owners (63.2%) tended to be more satisfied regarding Family Xingfu.

Professor Kelvin Wang, Assistant Dean (Professional Development in Health Sciences) at HKUMed and Professor at School of Nursing, HKU, said “It actually doesn’t take that much time or money to achieve a good familial relationship. Instead, enough time needs to be allocated towards fostering quality communication time with family members.” He also suggested people employ technology to strengthen ties.

(RTHK English News,, i-Cable, Metro Radio online news, SCMP online news, The Standard online news, Ming Pao Daily News instant news, Sing Tao Daily instant news,,, HKEJ online news, Sing Tao Headline, Orange News,, – June 13, 2024; TVB news, Ming Pao Daily News online news,, Wen Wei Po online news, am730 online news, South China Morning Post, Ming Pao Daily News, Oriental Daily News, Hong Kong Economic Journal, Wen Wei Po, Headline Daily, am730, SCMP Young Post, CRHK 《千禧年代》, HKET online new, HK01, – June 14, 2024; CRHK 《政好星期天》,;, Wen Wei Po online news – June 16, 2024;, Healpy Post, The Standard,, Oriental Daily News, – June 17, 2024)

June 13, 2024
New tobacco control measures are needed with increasing smoking alternatives

The 40% surge in cases received from the HKU Youth Quitline hotline, following the 31.5% tobacco tax increase in 2023, is a stark illustration of the impact of tobacco control measures. Dr Kelvin Luk, Project Director of the HKU Youth Quitline and Research Assistant Professor at HKU School of Nursing, noted that the measure had an immediate impact, particularly on the target clients of the Youth Quitline –individuals aged 25 or below. However, he also pointed out that teenagers are not fully aware of the addictive nature of smoking waterpipes due to insufficient public education. The long-term goal is to ban all tobacco products, including waterpipes. Dr Luk further suggested that different tobacco control measures should be implemented, as people respond differently. For instance, HKU research revealed that the success rate of quitting could increase by 90% if expectant fathers were given simple interventions, such as smoking cessation advice and referral to smoking cessation services, during regular antenatal visits.

In another radio programme, Professor Kelvin Wang from the School also commented the new tobacco control measures on the pipeline.

(RTHK Radio 3 Backchat – June 13, 2024; Ming Pao Daily online news, Ming Pao Daily News – June 16 2024, Sing Tao Daily - June 19, 2024)

June 8, 2024
Risk of cancer from smokeless tobacco products

Professor Kelvin Wang, Professor at HKU School of Nursing and a member of the Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health (COSH), mentioned in a TV news feature regarding the illegal sale of smokeless tobacco products, “Chewing smokeless tobacco products carries a certain risk of cancer. There are many blood vessels in the oral cavity, nicotine can be absorbed directly into the blood when chewing these smokeless tobacco products. These products are harmful and cause a high risk of oral cancer, esophageal cancer, and pancreatic cancer.” He further commented, “The saying of consuming dry snuff by sniffing or inhaling the powder up the nose is not addictive is a false claim because there are more blood vessels in the nose that carry nicotine to the brain quickly, making it more addictive.”

For full version of the programme, please visit:

(TVB news –《新聞透視》, – June 8, 2024)

May 3, 2024
Smoking problem among young people

Smoking is harmful to health. It causes not only lung cancer, heart disease and cerebrovascular problems, but is also addictive making quitting smoking difficult. In the feature, ex-smokers shared their experience in quitting smoking. Dr Kevin Luk, Research Assistant Professor at HKU School of Nursing and Project Director of Youth Quitline, explained how to increase the success rate through smoking cessation aids. Dr Luk said, “Influence from peer counsellors can increase the success rate of quit smoking as the peer counsellors set good role model and can interact closely with young smokers. In addition, increase in tobacco tax is also a strong reason to quit smoking.” Nicotine replacement therapy and meditation are alternative ways to assist in quitting smoking.

For full version of the programme, please visit:

( 【杏林在線】– May 3, 2024)

April 25, 2024
HKU School of Nursing reveals Tai Chi improves sleep quality in advanced lung cancer patients

A research team led by Dr Naomi Takemura, Research Assistant Professor, and supervised by Professor Chia-Chin Lin, Professor and Director, both from HKU School of Nursing, found positive effects of Tai Chi and aerobic exercise on sleep quality in patients with advanced lung cancer.

The research was conducted between 2018 to 2022, 226 patients with advanced lung cancer were recruited. They were randomly assigned to Tai Chi, aerobic exercise, or a self-management control group. Assessments were conducted before the intervention classes, at the end of the 16-week intervention, and at week 52.

The results revealed that both the Tai Chi and aerobic exercise groups can effectively improve sleep quality, mental health, physical function and circadian rhythm of patients. Among these groups, the Tai Chi group has greater effects on patients' sleep quality, fatigue reduction and balance ability than aerobic exercise. At the same time, the risk of death in the Tai Chi group was significantly reduced by 65% compared with the control group, indicating that Tai Chi has the potential to improve the survival chances of patients with advanced lung cancer.

Dr Naomi Takemura said, “Tai Chi’s emphasis on the mind-body connection offers a holistic approach that goes beyond physical exercise alone.” This study opens up a new approach to supportive care in cancer management and highlights the importance of a multi-dimensional approach to address cancer symptoms. By incorporating Tai Chi into the treatment plan, it can reduce patients' symptoms in a safe, affordable, and potentially effective approach.

(, i-Cable online news, Metro Radio online news, HKEJ online news, Ta Kung Pao online news, HKCD online news, am 730 online news, am 730, HKCNA, Yahoo News, Line Today, headlineforhk, Media Press, – April 25, 2024; The Standard, Sing Pao, Ta Kung Pao, Tai Kung Pao online news, RTHK - 《凝聚香港》,, Bauhinia Magazine online news, Physician Pharmacist People,, – April 26, 2024; Sing Tao online news, Headline Daily – April 27, 2024; – April 29, 2024; Medical Inspire – April 30, 2024; Sing Tao Canada, Line Today, – May 1, 2024; So fit so good – May 4, 2024; Line Today – May 6, 2024; Sky Post – May 7, 2024)

April 11, 2024
Increasing support for breastfeeding in society

The Committee on the Promotion of Breastfeeding held its 9th meeting recently. During the meeting, the Department of Health survey data showed that there was a drop in breastfeeding rates in 2020 and 2022. However, the survey also revealed that the breastfeeding rate on hospital discharge reached 85% in 2022, marking a significant increase compared to 55% recorded in 2000, and the rate of exclusive breastfeeding till 4 months of age rose from 8% to 22%. Professor Kris Lok, Assistant Professor, HKU School of Nursing, commented in a radio news programme, “The slight drop in breastfeeding rates was likely due to anti-Covid measures and a lack of support for nursing mothers. Statistics showed that mothers who return to full-time work were twice as likely to stop breastfeeding within the first year. But the continue increase in breastfeeding rate on hospital discharge is encouraging. We are happy to see support from different sectors of society, including baby-friendly initiatives in the public sector, other workplaces and public areas, to create a supportive culture of breastfeeding. In 2020, our School launched a Breastfeeding GPS app to help mothers locate nearby nursery rooms. The app has identified over 600 breastfeeding spots in the city, including restaurants, shopping malls and government facilities. We will continue to strengthen more publicity and provide support to private hospitals on breastfeeding, ultimately to achieve a breastfeeding-friendly environment.”

(“千禧年代 HK2000” by RTHK Radio 1 – April 10, 2024; “Hong Kong Today” by RTHK News – April 11, 2024)

March 11, 2024
Social housing improves the well-being of individuals, families and children

Professor Kelvin Wang, Professor at HKU School of Nursing, who is in charge of the research to review the effectiveness of the Lok Sin Tong Transitional Housing Scheme ‘LST Housing’, attended a press conference recently to announce the research statistics. Professor Wang said, ‘The study has demonstrated that transitional housing is comprehensive and effective in increasing well-being. There are enhancements in family communication quality and well-being, partner relationship and family support. It improves the anxiety or depressive symptoms in residents, enabling them to achieve a healthy life. Parents are also delighted to see children becoming happier and having improvement in their behavioural and psychological status.” The research conducted in August 2022 with 109 households showed that nearly 70% of the households said the family income improved. Among the 106 children respondents, nearly 60% had improved relationship with parents, over 60% had better education achievement, and over 80% became happier after moving into social housing. Another longitudinal evaluation conducted from September 2022 to March 2023 showed that the well-being of low-income families increased after moving into “LST Housing”, as reflected by an increased score from 38.10 to 41.17 based on the World Health Organization Well-Being Index. Moreover, parents perceived their children as happier than before.

(52hrtt,, HK01 - March 11, 2024; Sing Tao Daily, Oriental Daily News, Ta Kung Pao, Wen Wei Po,, am730, Lion Rock Daily, Dajiyuan – March 12, 2024, Sing Tao Daily – March 17, 2024, Wen Wei Pao, Tai Kung Pao – June 1, 2024)

February 22, 2024
Multi-drug-resistant bacteria - one of the global public health threats

The World Health Organization identified antimicrobial resistance as one of the top ten global public health threats facing mankind in 2019. As the number of infections that conventional antibacterial drugs fail to treat effectively increases, multi-drug-resistant bacteria (also known as "superbugs") are spreading rapidly worldwide. Professor Celine Chui, Assistant Professor of HKU School of Nursing mentioned in a news documentary TV programme produced by RTHK that ‘Antimicrobial resistance will get more severe if antibiotics are abused. We encourage the safe use of antibiotics. When antibiotics lose their potency, there will be fewer or even no drugs that work for patients, therefore threatening global health in the long term.’

For details of the programme, please visit:

(RTHK - Hong Kong Connection鏗鏘集 – February 22, 2024)

February 1, 2024
Proposals to increase tobacco tax 75% in next month's budget

In a recent radio interview, Professor Derek Cheung Yee-tak, Assistant Professor from HKU School of Nursing, discussed proposals to increase tobacco tax. Professor Cheung mentioned that research suggests that the proposed tobacco tax increase could result in 28,000 smokers quitting and prevent over 9,350 premature deaths in the future. Professor Cheung emphasised the importance of easy access to resources for successful smoking cessation in Hong Kong, such as affordable and accessible behavioural treatment, consultation, and medication services provided by the government. Support from family and friends, as well as government measures and environmental policies, are also crucial. Research has shown that increasing the tobacco tax serves as a motivating factor for quitting smoking.

(RTHK Backchat – February 1, 2024)

January 29, 2024
COSH proposed to increase the tobacco tax to 75% of the retail price

The Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health (COSH) has proposed increasing the tobacco tax to 75% of the retail price and a follow-up review of the tobacco tax increase rate each year. Attending the press conference, Professor Kelvin Wang Man-ping from the Smoking Cessation and Tobacco Control research team of the School of Nursing, The University of Hong Kong, expressed, ‘According to the committee’s tobacco control policy survey 2023 among 5,600 participants, including 1,500 smokers, 2,600 non-smokers and 1,500 quitters, 68.5% of the respondents supported the Government’s increase in tobacco tax in 2024, and nearly 30% of the smokers hope to increase tobacco tax. In the survey on increasing tobacco tax annually, 64.6% of the respondents expressed support for increasing tobacco tax every year.’

(Sing Tao Daily News, 香港01 – January 29, 2024;, am730, Sing Tao Headline,, 881903.com商業電台,, The Standard, Line Today, – January 30, 2024; The Standard Online, The Standard, Hong Kong Economic Journals,, Oriental Daily News – January 31, 2024, am730, Ta Kung Pao – February 16, 2024, Asia News Day – February 19, 2024)

January 29, 2024
New Strategies for Smoking Cessation

Professor Derek Cheung Yee-tak, Assistant Professor from HKU School of Nursing mentioned some new strategies for smoking cessation in a radio interview recently. Professor Cheung said, ‘Study showed that there is a correlation between alcohol consumption and smoking. Therefore, controlling alcohol intake during smoking cessation is encouraged.’ It is suggested that controlling alcohol intake is an essential component when designing an effective smoking cessation plan. After a screening process, a counselling nurse then develops a personalised smoking cessation plan for a smoker based on the available data. A discussion between a counselling nurse and a smoker is recommended when drafting the smoking cessation plan. By doing so, the smoker is more aware of controlling alcohol intake and, in turn, reducing smoking frequency. In some cases, instant messages or reminders and other smoking cessation aids can be suggested, for example, nicotine patches and medication, to enhance the effectiveness of smoking cessation.

(RTHK 精靈一點 – January 29, 2024)

January 12, 2024
Tobacco Taxes & Duties Coverage

Professor Kelvin Wang, Professor at HKU School of Nursing and a member of the Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health (COSH), shared that many studies have shown that increasing tobacco taxes significantly reduce smoking rates. After the increment of tobacco taxes last year, the number of individuals seeking support through smoking cessation hotlines increased by 30% to 40%. This approach has been particularly effective in reducing smoking among teenagers, with the smoking rate in this group dropping from 6.3% to 3.2% following the tax increase last year. Not only did it lower the overall smoking rate, it also helped reduce healthcare expenses.

Professor Wang emphasised that slight increment in tobacco tax would not have a great incentive for smokers to quit. Only by significantly raising cigarette taxes together with other smoking cessation measures could Hong Kong achieve the goal of reducing smoking rates to 7.8% by 2025.

(am730, hk01, i-Cable, RTHK, SCMP – January 12, 2024, SCMP – January 19, 2024, SCMP – January 20, 2024)

December 28, 2023
70% unaware of four early symptoms of Parkinson's Disease

Dr Jojo Kwok, Assistant Professor at HKU School of Nursing and the Co-project Director of “Jockey Club Movin’ Care for Parkinson's Disease Project”, funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, shared that, ‘In a recent study conducted by HKU on Parkinson’s disease showed that motor symptoms related to body movements such as tremors (90%), shuffling gait (77%) and slowness (75%), were recognised most often by those surveyed. However, less than 30% of those surveyed could identify pre-motor symptoms, such as loss of smell or taste (13%); depression or anxiety (24%); constipation (15%); acting out dreams during sleep (17%); and nightmare (9%) which may appear 10-20 years before the motor symptoms.’

Dr Kwok suggested raising the awareness of identifying pre-motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease in the community. Patients can receive relevant treatment and care promptly if pre-motor symptoms can be identified early with appropriate medical evaluation.

(am730 – December 21, 2023, am730, Health Plus Magazine – December 28, 2023 am730 – January 4, 2024, Commercial Radio – January 7, 2024, am730 – January 11, 2024, Sky Post online news – January 23, 2024)

December 14, 2023
Reducing co-use of tobacco and alcohol improves smoking cessation rate

HKU School of Nursing conducted a study on "Improving the Effectiveness of Smoking Cessation through Alcohol Consumption Control" to examine the effectiveness of controlling alcohol consumption in smoking cessation treatment. The study found that setting personalised alcohol consumption control goals and regularly explaining the dangers of alcohol and the importance of controlling alcohol intake during smoking cessation via WhatsApp on a weekly basis can effectively reduce smoking rates and alcohol intake. In addition, it was found that decreasing the co-use of both tobacco and alcohol at the same time can subsequently improve the smoking cessation rate.

(Oriental Daily News, - December 14, 2023; Sing Tao Daily – December 17, 2023)

December 10, 2023
A healthy lifestyle prevents diabetes

Dr Mandy Ho Man, Associate Professor from HKU School of Nursing and principal investigator of the project ‘A Community-based Diabetes Prevention Programme’ has been invited to share about the success cases on Commercial Radio. Dr Ho mentioned during the interview, ‘The Programme was a three-year project funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust in 2021. It collaborates with NGOs to provide them with relevant training and support, and work together to promote diabetes prevention education seminars and risk screening activities in the community. The programme also provides evidence-based diabetes prevention courses and services for high-risk individuals.’ Dr Ho encourages promoting a healthy lifestyle to prevent diabetes in the community.

(Commercial Radio – December 13, 2023)

October 29, 2023
Over 70% unaware of early symptoms of Parkinson's Disease

A survey conducted by HKU on Parkinson's disease with 334 participants aged 18 or above showed that motor symptoms related to body movements, such as tremors (90%), shuffling gait (77%) and slowness (75%), were recognised most often by those surveyed. However, less than 30% of those surveyed could identify pre-motor symptoms, such as loss of smell or taste (13%); depression or anxiety (24%); constipation (15%); and acting out dreams during sleep (17%), which may appear 10-20 years before the motor symptoms.

Dr Jojo Kwok, Assistant Professor at HKU School of Nursing expressed that, ‘Many people are unaware of the pre-motor symptoms. If pre-motor symptoms can be noticed in an early stage and seek appropriate medical evaluation, patients can then receive relevant treatment and care promptly. Currently, the understanding of Parkinson’s disease by the public is poor. There is a need to raise public awareness of the disease and risk management.’ Dr Kwok is the Co-project Director of implementing “Jockey Club Movin’ Care for Parkinson's Disease Project”, funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. The project aims to establish a comprehensive and sustainable community care service model for the community affected by Parkinson’s disease. It promotes early awareness of the risks of disease, early diagnosis and rehabilitation, and early care of physical and mental well-being. It also focuses on community engagement to raise awareness of Parkinson’s disease in the community.

(,, Sky Post online news, – October 27, 2023; Lion Rock Daily – November 6, 2023)

October 1, 2023
Chronic Disease Co-Care Pilot Scheme is well-received by medical professionals

Professor Sophia Chan Siu-chee from the School of Nursing of The University of Hong Kong welcomed the Chronic Disease Co-Care Pilot Scheme which was announced recently by the Health Bureau. She expressed that, ‘The plan is one of the important projects in the "Primary Healthcare Blueprint". It can improve the health of the citizens and bring long-term benefits to the medical system. Hong Kong is facing the challenges of an ageing population and an increase in the prevalence of chronic diseases. The treatment and management of chronic diseases are fundamental.’ She pointed out that the pilot plan has three major focuses, prevention, community-oriented and family-centered; it aims to improve the overall health status of the public, provide more convenient and consistent medical services, and establish a sustainable primary medical system. By participating in the plan, more professional and comprehensive medical care can be received, and to attend regular health examinations and risk assessments.

(RTHK - 《香港家書》, RTHK Chinese instant news, Sing Tao Daily instant news, Sing Tao Headline, Bastille Post, - September 30, 2023; Sing Tao Daily online news, Sing Tao Daily – October 1, 2023)

September 30, 2023
Proposed to increase the Tobacco Tax to 75% of the retail price

The Public Consultation on Tobacco Control Strategies was ended last month. Former Secretary for Food and Health Professor Sophia Chan Siu-chee suggested to increase the tobacco tax to 75% of the retail price next year and to be increased every year. The target should be increased to 80% of the retail price as to achieve ‘Smoke-free Hong Kong’. Professor Chan, currently the Professor for the School of Nursing of The University of Hong Kong commented, ‘The smoking rate of Hong Kong has dropped from 23.3% to single digits in the past 30 years. We must not delay. I recalled that I have thought about to set a goal for total ban of smoking in 2030 or 2035 when I was the Secretary for Food and Health.’ She expressed that smoking is not a personal choice but involves social interests. It brings consequences for health and at the end overloads the medical system. The Public Consultation document recommends incorporating smoking cessation support into basic medical training. Professor Chan suggested to strengthen basic training on smoking cessation in medical, nursing and Chinese medicine courses.

Professor Chan added different smoking products contain nicotine are also harmful to health. She does not agree to the ‘harm reduction’ policy in Sweden, that is, taking alternative smoking products. However, other local measures in Sweden, such as extending no-smoking zones to cover most public places and increase tobacco taxes can be our good reference.

(Ming Pao Daily News online news, Ming Pao Daily News – September 30, 2023)

September 30, 2023
Support from daddies is essential for breastfeeding

In recent years, breastfeeding has been recognised as favourable to babies. However, mothers may encounter difficulties while breastfeeding. Dr Kris Lok, Assistant Professor, School of Nursing of The University of Hong Kong said, ‘Daddies play an essential role in breastfeeding. They can show their support by accompanying mommies for follow-up consultations and learning about the benefits of breastfeeding before delivery. After birth, daddies can initiate taking care of the babies and give mothers more rest time. This is a strong support for breastfeeding.’

Dr Lok mentioned that the School of Nursing of The University of Hong Kong launched a mobile app ‘Breastfeeding GPS’ in 2020, which records more than 600 breastfeeding-friendly facilities and places in Hong Kong. The information is updated continuously. This app also includes a ‘nursing log’, which allows mothers to record the time of feeding, diaper change, sleeping pattern and others to illustrate the growth of the baby. Caregivers are welcome to download this app to assist mothers and support breastfeeding.

(Sky Post online news – September 30, 2023)

September 25, 2023
The Public Encouraged to Express Views in the Government’s Public Consultation on Tobacco Control Strategies

Professor Kelvin Wang Man-ping from the tobacco control research team of the Schools of Nursing emphasised his recommendations on tobacco control in media. He encouraged the public to express their views in the government’s Public Consultation on Tobacco Control Strategies. Professor Wang said, ‘Government policies on tobacco control are crucial to end the harm of smoking. Enlarging the smoking prohibited areas, raising tobacco tax significantly, and regulating displays and additives of tobacco products are proven to be effective in reducing smoking and the harm of tobacco. Research from our School showed that a majority of the public supported banning people who were born in a certain year from buying tobacco products to protect the next generation. Let us work together in building a new generation of smoke-free Hong Kong.’

(am730 online news, am730 - September 25, 2023)

September 13, 2023
HKU School of Nursing recommended a raise in tobacco tax

Professor Sophia Chan Siu-chee and Professor Kelvin Wang Man-ping from the tobacco control research team of the Schools of Nursing and Public Health joined Professor Chak-sing Lau, Dean of Medicine of The University of Hong Kong at a media briefing to advocate for consideration of a total ban on tobacco in Hong Kong in respond to the government’s Public Consultation on Tobacco Control Strategies which will end by September 2023.

Professor Wang proposed a raise in tobacco tax from 64% to 75% by 2025, as recommended by the World Health Organization. He said, “The public consultation on tobacco control strategies targeted to reduce the smoking rate to 7.8% by 2025 and ultimately ending tobacco use. To achieve this, a significant raise in tobacco tax was recommended to help smokers to quit. Surveys showed a high level of public support for raising the tobacco tax to discourage people from smoking.” The HKU Youth Quitline has counselled over 3,100 young smokers with a six-month quit rate of 24%. “Our evidence-based smoking cessation strategies can be further enhanced to support the expected large-scale quitting before the total ban on tobacco,” said Professor Sophia Chan Siu-chee of the School of Nursing, HKUMed.

(TVB news, i-Cable news, Now news, RTHK English local news, RTHK Chinese instant news, CRHK local news, SCMP online news, The Standard online news, Ming Pao online news, Sing Tao Daily online news,, HKEJ online news,,, Orange news, dot dot news, HKCNA, etnet, Headline Daily online news, am730 online news, Bastille Post, Sky Post online news – September 13, 2023; RTHK – Hong Kong Today, RTHK - 《千禧年代》, RTHK - 《新聞特寫》, The Standard online news, Ming Pao online news, Ming Pao Education, Oriental Daily online news, HKET online news, HKEJ online news, Wen Wei Po online news, am730 online news, Sky Post online news, The Standard, Ming Pao Daily News, Sing Tao Daily, Oriental Daily News, Hong Kong Economic Times, Hong Kong Economic Journal, Sing Pao, Wen Wei Po, am730, Sky Post, Ming Pao Canada, InMediaHK, Economic Digest Web, Upbeat Media - September 14, 2023; am730 online news, am730, RTHK - 《自由風自由 PHONE》- September 15, 2023; South China Morning Post – September 16, 2023; Now news, – September 17, 2023; Oriental Daily News - September 18, 2023)

August 31, 2023
Raising Tobacco Tax Effective In Reducing Smoking Numbers

Members of the School of Public Health and School of Nursing of The University of Hong Kong have been working tirelessly in all aspects to protect the health of Hong Kong citizens. Pioneering smoking cessation research and actively promoting the bill on banning e-cigarettes and heated cigarettes, the team of smoking cessation researchers at The University of Hong Kong successfully influenced the passing of the Smoking (Public Health) (Amendment) Bill 2019 to complete ban on the sale of electronic cigarettes and heated cigarettes in Hong Kong.

In response to the HK Government’s ‘Vibrant, Healthy and Tobacco-free Hong Kong’ Public Consultation on Tobacco Control Strategies, the Smoking Cessation Team of the School of Nursing, led by Professor Sophia Chan Siu-chee and Professor Kelvin Wang Man-ping, engaged in media interviews to support the government’s target of lowering the smoking rate from current 9.5 percent to 7.8 percent by 2025, though admitted that it would be difficult to achieve this in less than three years.

Professor Chan, who is now project director of the University of Hong Kong’s Primary Health Care Academy said increasing the tobacco tax will help people quit smoking and said the government could expand smoke-free areas to protect non-smokers.

(HKCD online news – August 31, 2023; RTHK English instant news, The Standard online news, TVB news, Now news, CRHK online news, Metro Finance online news, RTHK Chinese instant news,, HKEJ instant news, Wen Wei Po instant news, Sky Post online news, Orange News,,, RTHK Chinese instant news, Sing Tao Daily instant news, Ming Pao Daily News instant news, Sing Tao Headline, am730 online news,, CRHK – 政好星期天, Ming Pao Daily News online news, Wen Wei Po instant news, HKCD online news – September 3, 2023; RTHK English news – Hong Kong Today, The Standard online news, The Standard, Sing Pao, Hong Kong Economic Journal, Headline Daily, Lion Rock Daily – September 4, 2023; HKEJ Monthly – September 5, 2023)

August 18, 2023
HKU School of Nursing participated in the smoking cessation campaign for front line staff

Recently, Professor Kelvin Wang, Professor of the School of Nursing, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong attended a press conference on a smoking cessation campaign for front-line staff funded by Tobacco and Alcohol Control Office. Professor Wang, responsible for the research on the campaign effectiveness expressed that, “The research was to follow up with 777 smoking employees who participated in smoking cessation counselling services. Two types of smoking cessation counselling services were conducted, one including profession-specific health lectures and personalized WhatsApp communications; the other was profession-specific health lectures and regular SMS alerts. Both groups received free nicotine replacement therapy, phone counselling service and leaflets. The research started in January 2021 and was completed in June 2023, the overall program successfully assisted smokers to quit and reduced the smoking rate by 44%.”

Also attending the press conference, Professor TH Lam, Emeritus Professor of School of Public Heath, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong added, “If an employee wants to quit smoking successfully, it is affected by many factors. Other than additional counseling channels, the support of the employer and colleagues are also essential.”

(Oriental Daily News, – August 18, 2023)

August 2, 2023
World Breastfeeding Week

World Breastfeeding Week (WBW), held every year in the first week of August, is a global initiative to foster awareness and incentivize action on themes pertaining to breastfeeding. In 2023, the focus is on breastfeeding and work.

In Hong Kong, a government survey on breastfeeding in 2021 indicated a dip in breastfeeding rates among mothers with their children growing up in months. One reason is that working mothers find it difficult to continue breastfeeding their children upon the expiry of their maternity leave.

A culture of supporting mothers in workplaces and public venues is crucial for successful breastfeeding. As such, the School of Nursing of the University of Hong Kong launched a free nursery room search app ‘Breastfeeding GPS’ four years ago to help users to search for nearby nursery rooms according to the users’ locations. The Breastfeeding GPS Project Leader Dr Kris Lok, Assistant Professor, said, ‘The app has identified 634 breastfeeding spots in the city, there is still a high demand for more facilities. In addition to the app, in 2019, we also launched an online knowledge hub for parents and companies by posting new videos to a social media platform weekly. This initiative targets to promote breastfeeding culture. We can see a positive gradual change in public perception in favour of breastfeeding. Let us be patient and supportive of this process of cultural transformation.’

(Hong Kong Economic Journal – July 24, 2023, ViuTVsix News Bulletin – August 2, 2023, Orange News – August 8, 2023)

July 12, 2023
Nicotine gum - an aid to quit smoking

Some scholars pointed out that nicotine in cigarettes is addictive. Smokers experience withdrawal symptoms such as anxiety and insomnia if they suddenly quit nicotine. Nicotine gum contains a small amount of nicotine that helps smokers to quit smoking step-by-step.

Professor Kelvin Wang Man-ping, Professor and Director of Doctor of Nursing Programme, School of Nursing, The University of Hong Kong said, “Nicotine gum or patch can maintain blood nicotine level of smokers trying to quit smoking as they can be gradually reduced. Determination is most important in quitting smoking whether immediately or slowly.” He added, “If you experience discomfort or withdrawal symptoms during the quitting process, you may approach smoking cessation clinics to seek nicotine replacement therapy to help yourself work through those few days. Afterwards, there will be a bigger chance to success.”

As nicotine can cause vasoconstriction, Professor Wang commented that people with heart disease and teenagers are not suitable for nicotine gum. Moreover, other than traditional cigarettes, smoking electronic cigarettes is also harmful to the human body. The substance released in electronic cigarettes may cause cancer. Professor Wang supports the government’s advocacy for the restriction of possession of electronic cigarettes.

(TVB News – July 16, 2023)

July 12, 2023
Tobacco-free Hong Kong public consultation

The Health Bureau launched the Vibrant, Healthy and Tobacco-free Hong Kong public consultation on tobacco control strategies. Professor Kelvin Wang, Professor of School of Nursing, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong and Information and Research Committee member of the Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health, welcomed the proposals such as the banning of the sale of tobacco products to citizens born after a certain year, increasing tobacco duty and expanding no-smoking areas. Professor Wang added, “People under the age of 18 in Hong Kong are currently not allowed to buy tobacco products, but the legal age for purchasing tobacco products is 21 years old in the United States, Singapore and other countries. I think Hong Kong can take reference from this practice to protect the health of our next generation.” He also recommended that “The government can further raise the tobacco taxes. WHO proposed that tobacco tax should account for 75% of the product price. Currently in Hong Kong, the tobacco tax is about 64% of the product price which is far behind the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand.” According to previous studies in Hong Kong, a significant increase in tobacco tax can increase the desire to quit smoking by smokers.

(RTHK Chinese instant news, Bastillepost – July 12, 2023, Sing Tao online news (1) (2), Sing Tao Headline, Sing Tao Daily,, HKCNA, Hong Kong Economic Times, BBC World Service “Business Matters” – July 13, 2023)

July 12, 2023
Tobacco-free Hong Kong

Dr Derek Cheung Yee-tak, Assistant Professor and member of the School’s smoking cessation team, commented on the government’s Vibrant, Healthy and Tobacco-free Hong Kong public consultation. He welcomed the proposed measures such as increasing the tobacco tax, banning the sale of tobacco products to citizens born after a certain year, etc. He commented that the pace of increasing tobacco tax in Hong Kong was relatively slow compared to other countries. He recommended that the government gradually increase the tobacco tax as increasing tobacco tax and the price of tobacco products have proven to be an effective incentive for smokers to quit smoking.

(RTHK Radio 3 “Backchat” – July 13, 2023)

June 19, 2023
Heat stroke prevention for outdoor workers

Labour Department introduced a system of Heat Stress at Work Warning in May 2023. Dr Patsy Chau Pui-hing, Associate Professor of HKU School of Nursing suggested to equip fans or outdoor air coolers in outdoor workplaces to reduce heat stress at work. If setting up large machines is not possible, employers may provide shade to workers, and workers may wear wide-brimmed hats to protect themselves from direct sunlight. Dr Chau said, ‘Prolonged exposure to the sun will cause sunburn and increases the risk of skin cancer. Wearing breathable long sleeve outfits is suggested. In addition, simply wiping the body with wet towel can help cool down and washing with running water is even better.’ She reminded that once there is headache, dizziness, or signs of confusion in a hot environment, one should take a break immediately and drink water to cool down the body. She also reminded that hot weather can increase risk of cardiovascular diseases. In case of palpitations, shortness of breath or chest pain, medical attention should be sought soonest.

(Ming Pao Online News, Ming Pao Daily News C08 (1), Ming Pao Daily News C08 (2) – June 19, 2023)

May 28, 2023
E-cigarette re-export weakens tobacco ban

Professor Sophia Chan Siu-chee, Director of HKU Primary Health Care Academy and Professor of HKU School of Nursing, commented that re-exporting e-cigarettes through Hong Kong might weaken the city’s tobacco control initiatives. Professor Chan added, “Re-export of alternative smoking products through air cargo is exempted from the tobacco ban as authorities want to support the logistics sector. This is a risky move for tobacco control as Hong Kong aims to reduce its smoking population from 9.5% to 7.8%.” She suggested to raise further the tobacco tax and expand the no-smoking area.

Professor Kelvin Wang, also from HKU School of Nursing commented that the HKU Youth Quitline has been directing smoking cessation service to youngsters through hotline, but he noticed many relapse cases. Therefore, the quitline ambassadors would actively contact the smokers to provide information to reduce the chance of relapse.

(The Standard, RTHK English online news, Now news, TVB news, i-cable online news, RTHK Chinese instant news, CRHK online news, Metro Radio online news, Ming Pao instant news, Sing Tao Headline,, HKEJ instant news, HKCD online news,, Orange news – May 28, 2023; The Standard, Oriental Daily News – May 29, 2023)

May 15, 2023
Signing of Student Exchange Agreement (SEA) between School of Nursing, The University of Hong Kong and Tzu Chi University

Professor Tai-chu Peng, Professor & Director of Department of Nursing, Tzu Chi University and Professor Chia-Chin Lin, Head of School of Nursing, The University of Hong Kong signed a Student Exchange Agreement (SEA) on cooperation and exchange between the two schools. The SEA marks the exchange of strengths and experiences of each other.

Professor Chia-Chin Lin said, “Tzu Chi University emphasized medical humanities. We had discussed cooperation and exchange but all were postponed due to the epidemic. We are grateful that the agreement can be implemented now. We will start with short-term student exchange and academic activities communications and explore new collaboration.”

Professor Tai-chu Peng believes that Tzu Chi University can learn from the internationalisation of The University of Hong Kong. She looks forward to seeing more collaborations and exchanges between teachers and students with the international community.

(Commercial Times, – May 15, 2023, TC News – May 16, 2023)

May 12, 2023
Changes in Breastfeeding Locations

The School of Nursing of the University of Hong Kong launched a free nursery room search app ‘Breastfeeding GPS’ four years ago, the app helps users to search for nearby nursery rooms according to the users’ locations. The Breastfeeding GPS Project Leader Dr Kris Lok, Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, The University of Hong Kong, shared ideas on designing the app, data analysis and more.

According to ‘Breastfeeding GPS’, a nursery room should equip with the following facilities: separate room, lockable, changing board (no mattress), hand washing amenities, power plug and a seat. The app was available for download in April 2019 and was supported by a government fund aimed to promote breastfeeding and even nursery room staff training for shopping malls.

Currently, there are about 600 nursery rooms in Hong Kong. Dr Lok expressed that it is becoming more convenient when searching for breastfeeding-related facilities and awareness of breastfeeding has improved in these 10 years.

As of March, this year, ‘Breastfeeding GPS’ has been downloaded for more than 9,300 times. Among them, 8,800 users have opened the app for more than 640,000 times. Dr Lok said, ‘To support mothers of different age cohorts, the app can be linked to Facebook, IG and YouTube. We noticed that even many daddies have downloaded the app too!’

(Hong Kong Economic Journal – May 12, 2023)

March 24, 2023
Sharing Session of the Pilot Scheme of ‘Generations Connect’

A press event for the ‘Generations Connect’ project was held on March 24, 2023, where experiences of the pilot scheme were shared. This project aims to connect the youngsters and older adults through community intervention and behavioural coaching.

The Pilot scheme was launched in November 2022 where nursing students visited over 100 older adults and conducted surveys and assessments of their physical and mental health.

Professor Sophia Chan Siu-chee, Professor and Project Director of “Generations Connect”, said, “We observed that the older adults with high level of e-Health Literacy have better physical, psychosocial and mental well-being. As the older population grows, social and medical care demand increases. The pilot study found that among the 70% of older adults who completed the two-week follow-up, the rate of low e-Health Literacy dropped from 66% to 56%, providing initial evidence that the intervention by nursing students is useful in strengthening their e-Health Literacy. In addition, the Project received very positive feedback from the students, who demonstrated a higher level of affective empathy, intellectual empathy and self-efficacy after participation. Nearly 90% of them believe that this experience helped them improve their communication skills with the older adults, become better listeners, and gain better knowledge in health and care for the older adults.”

The two-year ‘Generations Connect’ project was officially launched early 2023, expanding beyond nursing students. Over 1,000 healthcare professional students are expected to participate, providing services to 10,000 older adults and assisting them in adapting to post-pandemic life and taking care of their physical, psychological, and mental health and wellbeing.

(RTHK, Commercial Radio, Sing Tao Headline, HKET, Wen Wei Po, Ming Pao, TVB News – March 24, 2023; Bastille Post – March 27, 2023)


February 22, 2023
HKU School of Nursing supports tobacco tax increase

The Financial Secretary announced the increase of tobacco tax by about 30% in the 2023-2023 Budget.

Professor Sophia Chan Siu-chee comments, ‘Raising tobacco tax is the single most effective measure, which can motivate smokers to quit smoking, preventing relapse among those who recently quit, and deterring youth from smoking initiation. The measure could also reduce healthcare expenditure and productivity loss associated with tobacco use, thereby promoting the sustainable development of public healthcare.’

The Smoking Cessation Research Team at the School of Nursing, HKUMed, has long been generating research evidence and at the forefront of advocating tobacco control policies, including raising tobacco tax. It will continue to generate more research evidence in tobacco control including reducing secondhand smoke exposure among children and the public, as well as other tobacco control policy advocacy.

(RTHK, Metroradio, Wen Wei Po, Ta Kung Pao, Hong Kong Commercial Daily, AM730, HK01, Bastille Post, DotDotNews, Hong Kong Free Press, SCMP – February 22, 2023; The Standard, Oriental Daily News – February 23, 2023; – February 24, 2023)

December 17, 2022
Nursing students paid visits to the elderly to offer support

Affected by the epidemic, elderly people stay in tiny homes for a long time and are prone to emotional problems. HKU School of Nursing students walked into their homes to understand their needs and offered support including health assessment, basic medical recommendations and electronic technology coaching, which helped the elderly people to obtain the latest information.

Professor Sophia Chan Siu-chee believes, ‘This initiative enhances the empathy of students, and at the same time, through communications, the physical and mental health of the elderly can be improved. We hope more elderly can be benefitted from this project."

This “Generations Connect” project will be officially launched in 2023.

(TVB News – December 17, 2022; Now TV – January 23, 2023)

December 13, 2022
Raising Tobacco Tax to Motivate Smoking Cessation

Dr Kelvin Wang Man-ping, Associate Professor, The School of Nursing, The University of Hong Kong attended a press conference organised by Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health (COSH) which urged the Government to raise tobacco tax by 100% from HK$38 to HK$76.

According to COSH’s Tobacco Control Policy-related Survey 2022, most citizens widely supported the tobacco tax increase in next year with a support rate over 70%. Dr Wang said, “Public support for raising tobacco tax next year is high. A double in the current tax to increase retail price of a cigarette pack to about HK $100 would encourage about two-thirds of current smokers to quit or reduce the daily cigarette consumption. Even 60% of current smokers without quit intention or had high nicotine dependence would quit or reduce current cigarette consumption due to increased retail price of cigarettes”.

Together attending the press conference also included Professor Lam Tai-hing, Emeritus Professor and Honorary Clinical Professor, and Dr Daniel Ho Sai-yin, Associate Professor, from School of Public Health at The University of Hong Kong.

(HK01, Ming Pao, – December 13, 2022; Ming Pao Vancouver, Ming Pao,, Sing Tao Daily – December 14, 2022, Hong Kong Economic Times – December 15, 2022)





September 29, 2022
“Generations Connect” Project Brings Young People Together with the Elderly to Boost Emotional Resilience

The School of Nursing, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong (HKUMed), in collaboration with Sino Group and the Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation and charitable organisations and NGOs, announced the launch of the two-year “Generations Connect” Project to bring young people together with the older adults in an initiative that will see nursing students providing community intervention and behavioural coaching. Integrated with the concept of e-health literacy, the Project aims to enhance the physical, psychosocial and mental wellbeing of the older adults amid the epidemic. The Project is supported by Sino Group and the Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation. With the target of serving 10,000 elderly people, the Project will commence in November this year with its first phase of pilot services.

Professor Sophia Chan Siu-chee, the School of Nursing of HKUMed, said, ‘The young nursing students are dynamic and radiant, and ready to unleash their creativity as they design effective means of communication with the elderly under this programme, which blends curriculum teaching and research. In so doing, the students may contribute not only to building closer ties across generations, but also promoting the physical and mental health of the elderly.’

(The Standard Online, TVB News, Ming Pao Daily Online, Sing Tao Daily Online,,,,, HK01,,,, Quamnet, Hong Kong Economic Times – September 29, 2022;, Wen Wei Po – September 30, 2022)

August 29, 2022
HKU Researchers Call for Centralised Reporting of Cases of Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE)

Dr Celine Chui, Assistant Professor from HKU School of Nursing and School of Public Health, and Dr Peng Wu, Assistant Professor, Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, HKU School of Public Health, attended a press event to call for centralised reporting of cases of Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE), a microbe considered a “superbug” with strong antibiotic resistance.

The HKU team examined the Hospital Authority’s CDARS data from 2008 to 2019 and found that among 23,797 patients who were tested for CPE, 17.9% were tested positive.

The excessive prescriptions and use of antibiotics are the culprits to blame. HKU researchers called for setting up a centralised platform for reporting all CPE cases to tackle the problem.

For the details of the article, please visit:
Press Release

(Now TV, TVB, Commercial Radio, RTHK, SCMP, Ming Pao, Oriental Daily News, HK01, Hong Kong Economic Times, AM730, Sky Post, East Daily – August 29, 2022; RTHK1 Programme “HK Letter”, BastillePost,, Sing Tao Daily,  – September 24, 2022; Oriental Daily News – September 25, 2022; Eastweek – September 28, 2022)

August 8, 2022
Children’s Palliative Care Service in Hong Kong

Dr Alina Ng, Research Assistant Professor of HKU School of Nursing, wrote an article to educate the public on children’s palliative care service.

The article featured an interview with a service recipient of the children’s palliative care service of Children’s Palliative Care Foundation. The service recipient’s parent was grateful for the referral from the hospital to Children’s Palliative Care Foundation. Through the team of specialty nurses and social workers, personalised and proactive services were provided so the sick children and the family members felt caring and respected. The palliative care team set up an instant message group to help coordinate among the hospital, school, family and NGOs, such as hospital admission, school arrangement, therapy at home, etc. The team also took care of the mental wellness of the family and provided support.

Taking care of sick children is demanding both psychologically and physically; healthcare professionals can act as a bridge between families and various service parties.

For the details of the article, please visit:

( – August 8, 2022)

July 28, 2022 and August 23, 2022
Advice for Elderly Women to Prevent or Manage Incontinence

Incontinence is a common physical problem encountered by older women, which may cause mental stress and affect social life. Studies showed that the number of affected women is two-fold higher than the male counterparts. Besides, overseas studies showed that 30% of women aged 40 or above have incontinence. There are studies targeting the Asian population found that about 60% of women aged over 60 have incontinence. Dr Edmond Choi, Assistant Professor of the School, was invited by the Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) to discuss the types and causes of incontinence in women; provide tips on prevention, training, and choosing adult diapers.

For details of the article, please visit:
Age Well 1
Age Well 2

(HKHS – July 28, 2022 and August 23, 2022)

July 10, 2022
The way to smoking cessation

Dr Kelvin Wang, Associate Professor of HKU School of Nursing, was interviewed on the Now News programme "經緯線" in response to the latest record of the lowest smoking rate in traditional cigarettes in Hong Kong. However, the usage of vapers among teenagers is surging.

He indicated that many reasons lead teenagers to smoke, and it is crucial to know the reasons for smoking to provide a suitable smoking cessation plan. The 16-year HKU Youth Quitline, established by the School of Nursing, has trained more than 500 peer counsellors. Through telephone consultation, these counsellors advise teenagers aged 25 or below to quit smoking. More than 3,200 smokers have used this service, and around 25% stopped smoking.

For full version of the programme, please visit:
Episode 1
Episode 2

(Now News – July 10, 2022)

June 28, 2022
Managing Freezing of Gait in Parkinson’s Disease: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis

Dr Jojo Kwok, Assistant Professor, had an interview with the Researcher to share her research paper which compared the effectiveness of different behavioural interventions for managing freezing of gait in people with Parkinson’s disease.

The findings concluded that obstacle training, gait training on the treadmill, general exercise, action observation training, and conventional physiotherapy proved immediate real-life benefits in reducing freezing of gait among patients with mild to moderate Parkinson’s disease. And the findings also suggested that intervention with high-complexity motor training combined with attentional and cognitive strategy should be further explored.

For details of the article, please visit:

(Researcher – June 28, 2022)

June 2, 2022
Breastfeeding Friendly Community Initiative Award Ceremony

At the Breastfeeding Friendly Community Initiative Award Ceremony on May 30, corporates were presented with excellence awards for their substantial efforts in cultivating a breastfeeding-friendly culture. At the Ceremony, the 2nd Phase of the “BreastfeedingGPS” App was also launched.

The project leader Dr Kris Lok, Assistant Professor of the HKU School of Nursing, pointed out that the App has been downloaded over 6,500 times and searched 58 thousand times since its launch in September 2020. It once ranked no.3 on the Hong Kong App Store.

Promoting a friendly attitude towards breastfeeding in the community is also essential. The School has trained 1,392 staff in 107 public facilities to facilitate correct information on breastfeeding as of May 2022. Nearly 90% of the participants said they felt more confident in supporting breastfeeding mothers after the training, and about 60% said the programme could significantly increase their knowledge and supportive attitude towards breastfeeding.

(Yahoo News, Sky Post, TOPick, HK01, Ming Pao, Instant News, ODN – June 1, 2022; HKSAR Government Press Release, HKET – June 2, 2022)

May 27, 2022
Towards a Tobacco Endgame in Hong Kong

An interview was conducted by RTHK’s morning news programme on May 27, 2022, with Dr Kevin Wang, Associate Professor of HKU School of Nursing. He responded to the government’s approach toward a Tobacco Endgame in Hong Kong.

Dr Wang agreed that a single-digit smoking prevalence rate is encouraging, and the government should continue the efforts to reduce the smoking population. He commented that a one-week trial pack of nicotine replacement therapy sampling is a cost-effective way to assist smokers in quitting smoking. In addition, he advised that the government may expand the non-smoking area in public; increase the pictorial health warnings on cigarette packages; prosecute restaurants which allow diners to smoke, and prohibit the display of smoking products at retail stalls.

For the interview details, please visit:
RTHK Programme on May 27, 2022 (1:06:00 onwards)

(RTHK – May 27, 2022)

May 17, 2022
HKU School of Nursing Uses Simulation Teaching to Boost Students' Clinical Knowledge and Skills

To nurture and educate nursing students, HKU School of Nursing adopts innovative teaching to enhance students' nursing skills. It provides different learning opportunities for students to care for patients and deal with varying scenarios in a safe environment. The School established Li Shu Fan Medical Foundation Nursing Clinical Skills Laboratory in 2017 and introduced infant and children simulators last year.

During the media event, Dr Kelvin Wang, Associate Professor of the School, introduced the simulators and simulation teaching and indicated that nearly 100 scenarios were designed for the students to learn and practice. In addition, teachers will provide constructive feedback to students by reviewing the recorded simulation learning process.

The innovative and simulation teaching equipped our students to stand on the frontline during the outbreak of the fifth wave of COVID-19, more than 300 students and teachers from the School provided support in the community holding centres, community testing and vaccination centres and Hospital Authority (HA) hotline support centre. Furthermore, with the knowledge and clinical skills learnt from the School, our nursing students collaborated with different disciplinary teams successfully to formulate nursing procedures for patients and provide professional and humanised nursing treatment and rehabilitation arrangements.

(, Ming Pao Daily, Sing Tao, ODN, HKET, Ming Pao Vancouver, TOPick, HK01, Bastille Post, TVB news, Yahoo News, The Limited Times - May 23, 2022; – May 25, 2022)

April 1, 2022
HKU Develops First Cardiovascular Disease Risk Assessment Prediction Model and Mobil App for Patients to Manager CVD Risk

At a press briefing organised by School of Nursing, School of Public Health, Department of Medicine (Cardiology), Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, the first Personalized Cardiovascular Disease Risk Assessment for Chinese (P-CARDIAC) was launched. It is the first artificial intelligence (AI) cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease risk score specifically for Chinese, and the first in-depth prediction model of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease (CVD) risk in Hong Kong.

Dr Celine Chui, Assistant Professor of School of Nursing and School of Public Health, indicated that the CVD risk in the general public in Hong Kong can be more accurately predicted using P-CARDIAC. Interventional treatment can be carried out targeting to reduce the risk of premature death caused by CVD in Hong Kong by 25%.

At the press briefing, a mobile application for patients to manage CVD risk developed by Department of Medicine (Cardiology), The University of Hong Kong was also launched.

(, Headline Daily Online, Sky Post Online, Sing Tao Daily, Oriental Daily, am730 – April 01, 2022; Metro Daily – April 28, 2022; – May 10, 2022; Ming Pao, Line Today Hong Kong – May 16, 2022; IMoney Issue 761 – May 21, 2022, Sing Pao, – May 23, 2022)

March 25, 2022
HKU School of Nursing Student Provide Nursing Service at Temporary Care Centre

A TV programme “Anti-Epidemic News Express” (防疫速遞) broadcasted on RTHK 32 channel interviewed HKU medical and nursing students, who participated at the Community Isolation Facility.

Ms Irene Ho Oi-ki, a Bachelor of Nursing (Full-time) Year 5 student shared her experience of providing nursing care for the COVID-19 elderly patients at the Choi Wing Road Temporary Care Centre. Besides the nursing services, she took care of the mental health of these patients and their carers by showing empathy and helping to connect the communications between family members. She felt honoured to provide nursing services to the public during the fifth wave of the pandemic. This is a precious opportunity to boost her confidence in serving the community and overcoming challenges in her nursing career.

For full version of interview, please visit:
RTHK 32 on March 25, 2022

(RTHK – March 25, 2022)

March 20, 2022
Extended Service to Kai Tak Cruise Terminal Community Isolation Facility

During the fifth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, community isolation facility was swiftly set up to meet imminent needs of the elderly COVID-19 patients referred by the Hospital Authority to alleviate pressure of public hospitals.

The medical and nursing team from HKUMed have been supporting the medical service at community isolation facility at Choi Wing Road Sports Centre since February 2022. Beginning from March 21, the service has expanded to Kai Tak Cruise Terminal Community Isolation Facility, which is expected to receive 400 elderly patients.

Some nursing students, who supported the centres, shared their experience of providing daily nursing care to the COVID-19 patients, taking care of patients’ physical and mental health, addressing patients' urgent needs, with a view to relieving the manpower shortage during the pandemic. These students were featured in a video released on March 19, which was then picked up by media outlets.

For full version of video, please visit:
HKUMed Youtube Channel

(HKCD Instant News, Ming Pao Vancouver – March 20, 2022; Ming, – March 21, 2022)

February 25, 2022
HKU School of Nursing Join Forces with HKUMed in Community Isolation Facility to Provide Service to Elderly COVID-19 Patients

As the latest outbreak of COVID-19 grips Hong Kong, HKUMed have stepped up to ease the burden on the healthcare system. Since February 2022, our teachers and students have been taking care of elderly COVID-19 patients at the Choi Wing Road Temporary Care Centre.

The Choi Wing Road Temporary Care Centre, set up by the Social Welfare Department of the HKSAR Government at the Choi Wing Road Sports Centre, provides 150 beds for elderly patients from the Hospital Authority, who are waiting for admission or require care while recovering from COVID-19.

The teachers and students are responsible for clinical assessment and patient care. Our Year 5 nursing students at the press briefing expressed their dedication to help the overwhelming healthcare system; to put knowledge into practice by taking care of the patients in needs; and to contribute to the effort in fighting the pandemic.

A temporary care centre would be set up at the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal in a week time, which would provide 1,000 beds. Medical and nursing teachers and students from HKUMed would also render their support at this centre.

(,, HK01, HKTKWW, Line Today Indonesia, Now News, Oriental Daily News,, RTHK Instant News,, Wen Wei Po, Yahoo News – February 25, 2022;,,, Now News, Oriental Daily News, Wen Wei Po – February 26, 2022)

January 3, 2022
One Hour Waterpipe Smoking Equals to 200 Cigarettes

A feature story conducted by Ming Pao Daily News interviewed Dr Kelvin Wang, Associate Professor of HKU School of Nursing on the health risks of waterpipe smoking.

Dr Wang clarified that water cannot filter the hazardous materials and waterpipe smoking is in fact addictive. The added chemicals and flavors make waterpipe more hazardous and the level of carbon monoxide is three times higher in waterpipe smoking than cigarettes for the same amount of nicotine. Studies have found that the smoke inhaled for one hour of waterpipe smoking is equivalent to 100 to 200 cigarettes. He further indicated that sharing of waterpipe can transmit diseases. Furthermore, waterpipe cannot help quit smoking.

HKU School of Nursing cooperated with Tung Wah Group of Hospitals to launch Hong Kong’s first artificial intelligence chat robot "Dr Wise" on WhatsApp. The chat robot simulates a human response and provides information about smoking cessation. It can also be transferred to a real counselor during office hours to answer questions, if necessary.

(Ming Pao Daily News, – January 3, 2022; Guang Ming Daily - January 17, 2022)

December 29, 2021
HKUMed Scholars Studied the Relationship between Coping Capability, Family Well-being, and Innovative Family Service in Time of Adversity

At a press conference organised by the Jockey Club SMART Family-Link Project on December 29, 2021, Professor Lam Tai-hing of School of Public Health and Dr Kelvin Wang Man-ping of School of Nursing, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong announced the findings of a survey conducted for 7,438 adults between February and March 2021. 53.9% of the respondents reported high coping capability against adversity in their families. Moreover, the coping capabilities positively correlate with age, i.e. the percentage of respondents showing greater coping capabilities against adversity was higher in older age groups than in younger age groups. Those with higher coping capabilities had less anxiety and depressive symptoms and reported to have better personal well-being. Those with lower coping capabilities were less willing to attend family services when having family problems but tend to prefer online emotion and pressure management-related activities organised by social service agencies.

Dr Kelvin Wang Man-ping, Associate Professor of HKU School of Nursing and Co-Investigator of Jockey Club SMART Family-Link Project commented that family members could share burdens and offer mutual support and care for one another.

For full version of press release, please visit: 
English version
Chinese version

(Inmedia HK, Yahoo, Epoch Times, Skypost, HK01, Ming Pao, Sing Tao Daily, Commercial Radio, 聯合早報, Ta Kung Wen Wei, Wen Wei Po, RTHK, The Standard, South China Morning Post, Bastille Post, Hong Kong Commercial Daily – December 29, 2021; RTHK, RTHK 3, Ming Pao Daily News, Hong Kong Economic Journal, Oriental Daily News, Sing Tao Daily, Sky Post, South China Morning Post, The Standard, Fin TV, MSN, Line Today, Ming Pao – Jump, Hong Kong Business Times, Epoch Times, Yahoo, – December 30, 2021)

Dr Kelvin Wang

Mr Leong Cheung, Executive Director, Charities & Community, The Hong Kong Jockey Club (middle); Professor Lam Tai-hing, Principal Investigator of the Jockey Club SMART Family-Link Project (right); and Dr Kelvin Wang Man-ping, Co-Investigator of the Jockey Club SMART Family-Link Project (left)

November 17, 2021
Health Risks of Waterpipe Tobacco Smoking

Dr Kelvin Wang, Associate Professor of HKU School of Nursing, was interviewed in the TVB programme “時事多面睇” to discuss the health risks of waterpipe tobacco smoking (also known as Hookah Smoking or Shisha Smoking).

He indicated that waterpipe smoking is as hazardous as traditional cigarettes or Heated Tobacco Products (HTPs). He suggested that tobacco tax increment and increase smoking cessation services may help to achieve a smoke-free Hong Kong.

(Jade TV channel 81 – November 10, 2021)

October 23, 2021
Regulation to Ban the Sale of E-Cigarettes and Heated Tobacco Products (HTPs)

Dr Kelvin Wang, Associate Professor, School of Nursing, The University of Hong Kong, was interviewed in a TV programme “News Magazine” (新聞透視) broadcasted on Jade TV Channel 81 on October 23, 2021. He debunked the myth and clarified that smoking e-cigarettes and HTPs are as harmful as traditional cigarettes, and agreed the ban of sale of e-cigarettes and HTPs would be an effective way to reduce the smoking population.

(Jade TV channel 81 – October 23, 2021)

October 19, 2021
The Hazard of Electronic Cigarettes and Heated Tobacco Products (HTPs)

Dr Kelvin Wang, Associate Professor of HKU School of Nursing was featured in a RTHK programme “精靈一點” with a counterpart on October 19, 2021 to share the information of the hazard of electronic cigarettes and heated tobacco products (HTPs).

Based on a HKU research, e-cigarettes and HTPs are as hazardous as traditional cigarettes, especially to teenagers. Teenagers might be misled that HTPs are healthier than traditional cigarettes. According to the HKU research conducted in 2019, 0.8% and 2.3% of primary and secondary school students had tried e-cigarettes or HTPs respectively.

For full version of videos, please visit:
RTHK on October 19, 2021

(RTHK – October 19, 2021)

October 4, 2021
HKUMed Finds a Simple Intervention Effective in Helping Fathers-to-be Quit Smoking

The School of Nursing and School of Public Health of LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong (HKUMed), in collaboration with the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology across seven public hospitals in Hong Kong, found that a quick intervention during regular prenatal visits, which combines brief advice with nicotine replacement therapy sampling and referral to a cessation service, could increase the chance of smoking cessation among expectant fathers by 90% and promote family harmony. The result has been published in JAMA Internal Medicine.

Dr Kelvin Wang, Associate Professor, and Dr Kevin Luk, Research Assistant Professor of the School of Nursing, discussed the research findings and advocated that a brief cessation intervention should be given to all expectant fathers as a routine practice in prenatal care.

For full version of press release, please visit: 
English version
Chinese version

(am730,, Hong Kong Economic Times, Mirage News, Skypost,, UrbanLife – October 4, 2021; India Education Diary – October 5, 2021)

October 4, 2021
Debunking the Myths of Electronic Cigarettes and Heated Tobacco Products (HTPs)

Dr Kelvin Wang, Associate Professor of School of Nursing, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, was featured in a YouTube channel HiEggo (健康旦) on October 2 and 3, 2021 to discuss the difference between electronic cigarettes and heated tobacco products (HTPs), the negative impacts of traditional cigarettes, electronic cigarettes and HTPs, and debunked some of the myths about smoking, as well as offered useful tips to quit smoking.

For full version of videos, please visit:

HiEggo on October 2, 2021
HiEggo on October 3, 2021

(HiEggo, October 2 & 3, 2021)



August 27, 2021
The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society Kowloon’s “Smoking Cessation Program in Workplace” Results Announcement

 “Smoking Cessation Program in Workplace” (SCPW) was launched by The Lok Sin Tong Benevolent Society, Kowloon, in 2013. The programme aims at promoting a smoke-free workplace and providing outreach smoking cessation services for working adults.

The School of Nursing and School of Public Health of LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong (HKU) were commissioned to evaluate the effectiveness of the programme.  A press conference was held on August 27, 2021 to announce the phrase four results.

There were 91 corporates participated in the phrase four programme. 809 smoking employees participated in the study which started in January 2019. Among them, 106 (13.1%) were female and 703 (86.9%) were male.  Half of these participants were 30 to 49 years old.  Two different smoking cessation counselling services were provided to these smokers: either 1) health talks with personalised WhatsApp communication, or 2) health talks with regular SMS notifications.   Telephone counselling and a small booklet were provided for both service groups.

Dr Kelvin Wang, Associate Professor of HKU School of Nursing commented that as of March 2021, the results showed that during the 6 month follow-up, the overall employee quit rate was 20.5%, the rate of reducing smoking was 50.8% and the rate of reducing smoking by at least half was 19.8%.  And during the 12 month follow-up, the overall employee quit rate was 25.5%, the rate of reducing smoking was 49.2%, the rate of reducing smoking by at least half was 19.3%. In total, the programme successfully assisted smokers to quit smoking and reduced their smoking rate by 74.7%.

For full version of this press release, please visit:

(Hong Kong Commercial Daily,, Oriental Daily News – August 27, 2021, Ta Kung Pao – September 8, 2021)

August 21, 2021
Latest research on E-cigarettes and Heated Tobacco Products

Dr Kelvin Wang, Associate Professor of HKU School of Nursing was featured in a RTHK programme “香港家書” on August 21, 2021, in which he shared the latest research on e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products (HTP), as well as the challenges faced by tobacco control.

He pointed out that study by HKU found that smoking e-cigarettes or HTPs would increase the risk of chronic respiratory symptoms in young people such as persistent cough, nasal congestion and phlegm.

For HTPs, two world-first studies conducted by HKU pointed out that the use of HTPs by adult smokers did not help to quit smoking, while the use of HTPs by teenagers might even reduce the chance of quitting.

A HKU survey conducted in 2021 showed that two-thirds of the people supported the total ban on alternative tobacco products. Furthermore, more than 90% of traditional cigarette smokers indicated that they did not want to use HTP in the next 12 months.

Subsequent to the release of this programme, extensive coverage was generated in various media outlets.

For full version of this programme, please visit:

(RTHK, Bastillepost,,,,, Oriental Daily News, Sing Tao Daily Online - August 21, 2021)


August 19, 2021
Electronic Cigarettes and Heated Tobacco Products

Dr Kelvin Wang, Associate Professor of HKU School of Nursing was interviewed at a Metro Radio programme “健康脈搏” to discuss about the electronic cigarettes and heated tobacco products (HTPs).
He quoted a HKU research on nearly 35,000 secondary school students that the risk of respiratory symptoms for HTP using students was about 50% higher than non-HTP students.  Dr Wang commented that this was a significant research published to prove that the damage and risk of HTP were noticeable even within a short period of time.

Dr Wang further mentioned that the toxin found in HTP was higher than that in the traditional cigarette.  Furthermore, alternative smoking products, such as HTPs and e-cigarettes, do not help smoking cessation.

(Metro Radio – August 19, 2021)

Part One
Metroradio (Mp3)
Metroradio (Website)

Part Two
Metroradio (Mp3)
Metroradio (Website)

August 5, 2021
Evidence on escalating risks of respiratory symptoms in adolescent heated tobacco product users

Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health (COSH) held a press conference together with the academia from School of Public Health and School of Nursing of The University of Hong Kong (HKU) on August 3, 2021 to announce the first evidence on escalating risks of respiratory symptoms in adolescent heated tobacco product (HTP) users, which were even higher than those in cigarette smokers.

A research by HKU found that among adolescents who had never used cigarettes, 88% higher risk of persistent respiratory symptoms for at least three months (such as cough, congestion or phlegm) was found in current HTP users versus never HTP users. Also, the risk of persistent respiratory symptoms was 46% higher in exclusive ever HTP users than exclusive ever cigarette users

And according to COSH’s Tobacco Control Policy-related Survey conducted from March to July 2020, only 9.9% of current smokers had an intention to use HTPs but 70.9% of HTP users were dual users of both HTPs and conventional cigarettes. This indicated that HTPs pose more health risks than help quit cigarettes.

Dr Kelvin Wang, Associate Professor of HKU School of Nursing commented that, “Two-thirds of citizens supported a total ban on alternative smoking products including HTPs and e-cigarettes, including 40% of current smokers. And the claims that alternative smoking products help quit smoking was unsubstantiated.”

For a full version of the press release, please visit:
English Version
Chinese Version

(HK01, Now News, RTHK,, – August 3, 2021; Hong Kong Economic Times, Ming Pao Daily News, Sing Pao, The Standard – August 4, 2021; Oriental Daily News - August 6, 2021)

June 12, 2021
Baby-friendly Community Initiative Program in Hong Kong

Since 2019, the School has been implementing a Baby-friendly Community Initiative Program in Hong Kong. The programme aims to strengthen the public and mothers’ awareness to promote a breastfeeding-friendly attitude. It pioneers a novel new baby care app, which provides timely support and useful information on baby care facilities to mothers to sustain breastfeeding; organise training workshops for mothers and corporates. Dr Kris Lok, Assistant Professor, was interviewed on a TV programme to introduce the programme.

(Hong Kong Open TV (Channel 77), i-CABLE Finance Info Channel – June 12, 2021; i-CABLE News Channel – June 13, 2021)

May 3, 2021
Implementation of Virtual Simulation (VSim) during Pandemic

Face-to-face classes and clinical practicum were suspended by most universities during COVID-19 pandemic. In order to build up students’ confidence and competence to deliver patient care that meets today’s healthcare needs, the School made use of VSim, an online learning platform, for students to develop their clinical reasoning skills and preparedness for practice. It helped students improve their critical thinking and understanding of the nursing procedures through case studies and simulation scenarios. Besides, the school has purchased six patient simulators. Students can practice their nursing skills with the help of these simulators. Teachers will also review their progress and provide feedback to students during debriefing sessions. So, students can learn from their mistakes and have better preparation for their careers.

(am730, Hong Kong Economic Times, Sing Tao Daily, WenWeiPo, Lion Rock Daily, Sing Tao Instant News, Wen Wei Po Instant News, Headline Daily Instant News, am730 Instant News, Edigest Instant News,, HK01 – May 3, 2021)

April 29, 2021
Use of New Tobacco Products Hits Record High Among Youth Smokers, HKU Youth Quitline Survey Finds

HKU Youth Quitline, the first youth-oriented smoking cessation hotline in Hong Kong, jointly established in 2005 by the School of Nursing and School of Public Health, LKS Faculty of Medicine, the Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong (HKU) and the Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health (COSH), held a press conference on April 29. A survey announced at the press conference found that the proportion of Hong Kong young smokers of 25 years old or under who have used new tobacco products (NTPs), such as e-cigarettes or heated tobacco products, has surged to a record high of 85.9% in 2019-2020. Curiosity (51.3%), peer influence (37.3%) and an intention to quit or reduce smoking (21.6%) were the most cited reasons of NTPs use among 485 of the participants.

HKU Youth Quitline urge the Legislative Council to quickly pass the bills proposed by the HKSAR Government to ban all new tobacco products including e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products. It has proven that peer counselling could change risk behavious of smokers. HKU Youth Quitline will continue to train peer counsellors in helping young smokers to quit smoking.

(RTHK, The Standard Online, TVB News, Now News, Metroradio Instant News,, Wen Wei Po Online, Headline Daily Online, Sky Post Online, TOPick, HK01, Bastillepost - April 29, 2021; China.huanqiu, SCMP, The Standard, Ming Pao Daily News, Oriental Daily News, Wen Wei Po, Ta Kung Pao, Sky Post, Lion Rock Daily – April 30, 2021)

April 18, 2021
Jockey Club SMART Family-Link

Dr Kelvin Wang was interviewed in a TV programme “Golden Age Diary” broadcast on Viu TV channel 99 on April 18, 2021, in which he introduced the Jockey Club SMART Family-Link project in particular the service encouraging the elderly to use ICT (Information and communications technology) to communicate with their family.

("Golden Age Diary" on Viu TV channel 99 – April 18, 2021)

March 14, 2021
“VRehab Generation” Project and Research Sharing held on 5 March 2021

The School has engaged in an evaluation study of a “VRehab Generation” Project developed by the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals. With the support of the HKU Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering in the development of virtual reality (VR) programmes, a set of VR rehabilitation training programmes, which include physical training, cognitive training, community living skills training and relaxation, have been developed for elders and people with disabilities (PWDs). The VR programmes provides a close-to-reality training environment, which allows service users to break through their physical and environmental constraints, and to participate in rehabilitation training regarding to their progress purposefully and continuously in an enjoyable way. The study demonstrated that a universal set of VR training was feasible and acceptable for local elders and people with disabilities, and reported improvement in upper-limb dexterity and cognitive function of the participants.

For a full version of the press release, please visit:
English Version
Chinese Version

For the project details, please click here (Chinese version).

(Sing Tao Daily News – March 14 & March 21, 2021)

February 1, 2021
Drinkers are drinking more despite bar closures amid coronavirus pandemic

The Hong Kong Alliance for Advocacy Against Alcohol quoted a survey conducted from April 9 to 23 in 2020 by The University of Hong Kong’s School of Public Health and School of Nursing that 36.8 per cent of 1,501 people reported that they had reduced alcohol consumption resulting from bar closures and social gathering restrictions implemented to suppress the spread of COVID-19. 5.5 per cent of alcohol users reported that they had actually increase in alcohol consumption because of feeling lonely and bored.

The Alliance published a position statement in the Hong Kong Medical Journal to call for government action aimed at reducing alcohol-related damage in the territory.

(SCMP Online,, – February 1, 2021)

January 11, 2021
Full-time HKU bachelor of nursing student wish to help ethnic minorities

Omme Kulsoom Akhtar (Kulsoom), a year 3 Pakistani student in the Bachelor of Nursing (Full-time) programme shared her nursing education journey and the reason why she has chosen nursing as her career.

Witnessing the communication barriers between her family and relatives and the hospital staff, Kulsoom decided to study the HKU nursing programme. She wishes to help ethnic minorities when she becomes part of the healthcare profession after graduation.

For a full version of the article, please visit here.

(Ming Pao Daily News, January 11, 2021)

October 30, 2020
Public Sector Trial Scheme

The special call under the Public Sector Trial Scheme for projects to combat the COVID-19 epidemic has been completed. A total of 63 projects have been approved by the Innovation and Technology Commission of the HKSAR Government with total funding of over $102 million.

The School of Nursing of the University of Hong Kong has taken part in the trial project of a fast-track vented enclosure developed by City University of Hong Kong. Made of breathable protective materials, the enclosure aims to prevent viruses from spreading through air in hospitals, thereby minimising the possibility of cross-infection between medical staff and patients. Professor Janet Wong of the School said, "We are happy to provide a trial site and post-trial comments for the project. We hope the project will further protect the safety of medical staff and benefit the medical sector."

For a full version of the article, please visit here.

December 10, 2020
HKU study reveals heated tobacco products fail to help smokers quit smoking

Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health (COSH) teamed up with HKU researchers and conducted a local research which found that heated tobacco products (HTPs) could not help smokers quit smoking. A 2018-19 study led by Dr Kelvin Wang, Associate Professor, HKU School of Nursing pointed out that 44% of the surveyed 1,012 smokers who intended to quit using HTPs for smoking cessation. However, the likelihood of successful quitting at six months was not enhanced. In contrast, smokers who used smoking cessation services were 70% more likely to abstain from cigarettes at 6-month follow-up, compared with those who did not use the services. The findings were published in Tobacco Control.

For a full version of the press release, please visit:
English Version
Chinese Version

(, TVB News,,,, am730 – December 10, 2020; Ming Pao Daily News, Oriental Daily News, am730, RTHK Radio Programme – Backchat Dec 11, 2020)

October 31, 2020
New Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Leadership Track) [BNurs(ALT)]

HKU School of Nursing will launch a new Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Leadership Track) [BNurs(ALT)] Programme in the academic year 2021/22. The programme allows students 1) to articulate to HKU MBBS programmes with another four years; and 2) to acquire Bachelor of Nursing and Master qualifications in five years, namely Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Leadership Track) and Master of Nursing (MNurs); or Bachelor of Nursing (Advanced Leadership Track) and Master of Research (MRes).

[Remarks: Details of admissions requirements will be announced in early 2021. Programme information may be available in the website of JUPAS Office in March/April 2021. Amendment fees for change of programme choice may be waived by the JUPAS Office. Subject to the Nursing Council of Hong Kong and HKU Senate’s approval.]

(Oriental Daily News & Sing Tao Daily News – October 31, 2020; Hong Kong Economic Times – November 2, 2020)

October 20, 2020
Press Conference on “Relationship between Information Sharing and Family Well-being during the COVID-19 Outbreak”

Dr Kelvin Wang, Associate Professor and Co-Investigator of the Project entitled "Relationship between Information Sharing and Family Well-being during the COVID-19 Outbreak” participated at the “Jockey Club SMART Family-Link Project” Press Conference co-organised by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, the School of Public Health and the Technology-Enriched Learning Initiatives of The University of Hong Kong on October 20, 2020.

The survey, which interviewed 4,914 people in late May, found that sending or receiving messages on happy/interesting matters related to themselves/their families, daily life matters, showing care and encouragement in family e-chat groups were related to better family communication, greater family harmony and happiness.

Dr Wang said that combatting “anti-pandemic fatigue” was of a top priority. He suggested that the younger generation can spend more time teaching the elderly to learn how to use information technology, especially instant messaging tools during the pandemic with reduced social gatherings.

For a full version of the press release, please visit:
English Version
Chinese Version

Dr Kelvin Wang
Dr Kelvin Wang, Co-Investigator of the Jockey Club SMART Family-Link Project (Third Left), and representatives from partnering Integrated Family Service Centres of the Project (First and Second Left, and First and Second Right), attended the Press Conference on “Relationship between Information Sharing and Family Well-being during the COVID-19 Outbreak”.
Dr Kelvin Wang
Dr Kelvin Wang, Co-Investigator of the Jockey Club SMART Family-Link Project, shared tips on how to communicate smartly with family members.

October 6, 2020
As Coronavirus Makes Social Distancing the Norm, Tele-nursing Can Be a Lifeline

Dr Kelvin Wang, Associate Professor, delivered a talk entitled “COVID-19 Pandemic Online Health Information” at the RGC public lecture co-organised by Hong Kong Public Libraries and Research Grants Council of The University Grants Committee on September 12, 2020. Dr Wang indicated that the timeliness, accuracy and trustworthiness of information could facilitate the execution of preventive measures and also lessen the anxiety of the public.

To review the public lecture, please visit here.

For a full version of the article, please visit here.

(Ming Pao Daily News – October 6, 2020)

Oct 5, 2020
Mindfulness Yoga Helps Parkinson's Disease (PD) Patients Regain Confidence

Dr Jo Jo Kwok, Assistant Professor, commented that PD patients may experience anxiety and depression symptoms. Since the disease would affect patients’ mobility, they may lose confidence due to misunderstanding and discrimination from people who do not understand their condition.

Her study in 2019 found out that PD patients practicing mindfulness yoga could help improve mobility, and also enhance their ability to cope with negative emotions and maintain positive psychological quality.

Dr Kwok has also developed an online Mindfulness Yoga programme for early and mid-stage PD patients:

For a full version of the article, please visit here.

(Headline, Oct 5, 2020)

July 31, 2020
As Coronavirus Makes Social Distancing the Norm, Tele-nursing Can Be a Lifeline

Professor Doris Yu, commented on South China Morning Post that the social distancing as a coronavirus control measurement may cause critical health threats to older adults with chronic illnesses.

The closure of non-essential aged care service limited older adults’ access to care. Although various social media platforms were developed to strengthen the patient’s self-care ability, many older adults did not know how to access the service.

Under Professor Yu’s Jockey Club NICE-LINK project, a tele-nursing programme provided prompt tele-based health consultation with tailored written health reminder, a good health response was noted in the subsequent tele-visits.

She advocated the integration of tele-nursing with the health care systems in challenging times during COVID-19.

For a full version of the article, please visit here.

(South China Morning Post – July 31, 2020)

July 25, 2020
8 Ways to Stay Away from Anxiety

As the outbreak of COVID-19 continues, people are prone to emotional instability, and even stress and anxiety. The School offered tips on psychological well-being.

For a full version of the article, please visit here.

( – July 25, 2020)

June 4, 2020
Quit to Win

RTHK Radio Programme, Health Pedia 《精靈一點》, interviewed Dr Kelvin Wang, Associate Professor, to talk about the “Quit to Win” contest and how Chat-based instant messaging support could help smokers to quit. “Quit to Win” Smoke-free Community Campaign is a smoking cessation programme led by the Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health (COSH) and co-organised by the School.

Since 2009, Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health has organised the “Quit to Win” Smoke-free Community Campaign in collaboration with the School of Nursing and School of Public Health, HKUMed. The campaign disseminates smoke-free messages through district-based promotion activities and media and provides smoking cessation counselling training. The “Quit to Win” contest engages over 1,000 smokers in quitting every year. The contest includes scientific research to design and evaluate different interventions for smoking cessation in order to provide recommendations to improve the existing smoking cessation services in Hong Kong.

For full version of the programme, please visit:

RTHK Radio 1

(RTHK Radio 1 and RTHK TV31 – June 4, 2020)


(From left) Ms Vienna WY Lai, Executive Director of Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health; Dr Kelvin Wang, Associate Professor School of Nursing, The University of Hong Kong and the winners of the 8th “Quit to Win” Contest.


May 22, 2020
Solving the Mystery of Tai-Chi

Dr Patsy Chau, Associate Professor, interviewed by a TV programme, Medicine Online <杏林在線>. The TV programme broadcasted on Now News and ViuTV featuring the School’s AI robot “NAO” demonstrating Tai-Chi to elderly at one of the health talks for the “Healthy Ageing in Public Rental Housing Estates Programme”. Dr Chau indicated that the use of robot could draw older people’s attention and encourage them to do more exercise to achieve healthy ageing.

For a full version of the article, please visit:

Now News 

(Now News – May 22, 2020 & Viu TV Channel 99 – May 23, 2020)

May 18, 2020
Nurturing Smoking Cessation Experts to Support Youngsters and Women to Quit

The University of Hong Kong (HKU) was awarded a gold award of “Hong Kong Smoke-free Leading Company Awards 2019”. Dr William Li, Associate Professor of School of Nursing and Director of Youth Quitline conducted an interview with Master-Insight < 灼見名家>.

HKU is a smoke free campus since 2002 and has been raising awareness of students and employees on tobacco hazards. The School established two smoking cessation hotlines for youngsters aged 25 or below and female smokers in 2005 and 2006 respectively to provide telephone counseling service. More than 2,500 young people and about 600 female smokers used the service. 40% of them have reduced their cigarette consumption in half or successfully quit smoking.

For a full version of the article, please visit here.

( – May 18, 2020)

March 4, 2020
Debunking Myths on Novel Coronavirus Episode 2


Subsequent to the 1st episode about anti-epidemics, the School launched a second video with an emphasis on domestic hygiene and daily life on social media. The video covers the use of bleach and domestic hygiene, and the proper steps for washing hands thoroughly, etc.

For a full version of the article, please visit here.

For a full version of the video, please visit here.

(Sky Post – March 3, 2020)



February 7, 2020
Debunking Myths on Novel Coronavirus


The School has recently launched a video on social media to debunk myths on novel coronavirus and to provide tips on anti-epidemics. This video was shared virally on social media and was reported in local news, HK01, and in Taiwan, Liberty Times.

The video provided information that one should wash his/her hands first when arriving home, then wash hands again after removing the mask. It is also necessary to wash hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand rub if the water is not accessible. It is also recommended not to re-use the mask.

There are rumours circulating in the society, in order not to be misled by fallacies, the video aims to distinguish facts from fiction for the general public.

For a full version of the article, please visit here.

(HK01 – February 7 & 8, 2020)

For a full version of the article, please visit here

For a full version of the video, please visit here.

(Liberty Times - February 12, 2020)



January 14, 2020
Anti-smoking Groups Call to Raise Cigarettes Price

A press conference hosted by The Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health urged Hong Kong government to increase 100% tobacco tax which raises cigarettes price to nearly HK$100 per pack.

The Council commissioned the School of Public Health and the School of Nursing, The University of Hong Kong to conduct a survey during September 2018 to March 2019 and found that almost 80 percent of the 2,000 respondents supported tax increase. 36.4 percent of 280 smokers among the respondents supported an increase while 70.9 percent of all respondents agreed on an annual increase.

RTHK English News 
Oriental Daily
The Standard  

(RTHK English News, TVB News,, Oriental Daily – January 14, 2020; The Standard – January 15, 2020)

December 19, 2019
Social Media Chat Group makes Hong Kong Family Happier

Dr Kelvin Wang, Associate Professor and a researcher of the survey conducted by Hong Kong Jockey Club Smart Family-Link Project and the School of Public Health of The University of Hong Kong, studied the communication patterns of Hong Kong families from May 24 to June 11, 2019.

The survey, which involved online questionnaires with 644 adults, found that respondents who had at least one family chat group, had a higher level of personal and family happiness than those who had none. The quality of family communication was also better for those with chat group than those without. However, the personal and family happiness levels and the quality of family communication peaked at 11 to 20 messages but dropped when messages received exceeded 20 a day.

For a full version of the article, please visit:

South China Morning Post
Oriental Daily

(South China Morning Post, RTHK News, i-Cable, HK01, Sing Tao, Ming Pao, Oriental Daily, WenWeiPo, Headline – December 19, 2019; Skypost, The Standard, Sing Tao, HKET, Hong Kong Commercial Daily, am730 – December 20, 2019)

October 9, 2019
Healthy Ageing for Older People Living in Public Rental Housing Estates

The School of Nursing, in collaboration with the Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA), organised the Healthy Ageing in Public Rental Housing Estates Programme 2019-2021.

Our teachers and students performed free health assessment for older tenants living in Fortune Estate, Cheung Sha Wan through home visits. We also organised mobile health assessment stations and mini health exhibition about sarcopenia in different public rental estates and HA malls all over Hong Kong.

An article related to this programme was published in AM730 on October 9, 2019.

For a full version of the article, please visit here.

(AM730 – October 9, 2019)

September 20, 2019
“Chat-based Instant Messaging Support” Could Substantially Enhance Smoker’s Quitting Rate

A press conference on the study conducted by the Smoking Cessation Research Team at the School of Nursing and School of Public Health of LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, to examine whether WhatsApp, an instant messaging app, could be used to help people quit smoking. The study found that “WhatsApp chat support”, combined with brief smoking cessation interventions, could increase the chance of quitting by 60% to 90%. The results may have implications for strengthening existing smoking cessation services. The result has just been published in The Lancet Digital Health.

For a full version of the article, please visit here.  

September 17, 2019
Noise Pollution

Dr Daniel Fong, Associate Professor of School of Nursing, has been interviewed by Apple Daily for his study conducted in 2016 regarding the impact of noise pollution in Hong Kong secondary school students. Among 2,872 students from 13 secondary schools, the ratio of long-term tinnitus (11.7%) and temporary tinnitus (35.6%) was two to three times higher than that of American students.

To prevent adverse impact on health, WHO recommended that the sound level should not exceed 45 decibels.

For a full version of the article, please visit here.

(Apple Daily – September 17, 2019)

July 18, 2019
Smoking Cessation Program in Workplace

The “Smoking Cessation Program in Workplace” (Programme) press conference was successfully held on July 18, 2019.  The Programme, launched in 2013, aims to raise awareness of companies to the importance of supporting staff to quit smoking.  The effectiveness of the programme was evaluated by the School of Nursing and School of Public Health, HKU and the results were announced at the press conference.  

The third phase of the programme started in January 2017 with a total of 92 corporates enrolled and 801 smokers served.  Together with the first and second phases, the entire program has served more than 270 corporates and 2,100 smokers. 

The third phase of the program included 2 kinds of interventions: (1) intensive health talk with semi-personalized WhatsApp interaction; and (2) general health talk and regular SMS messages.  All service users received self-help booklets and telephone counselling at follow-ups.  During a period of 12 months follow-up, the overall quit rate was 22.6%, reduction rate was 46.9%, and reduction rate of daily cigarette consumption by ≥ 50% was 19.4%.  The total quit rate and reduction rate reached 69.5% during the aforementioned period.

For a full version of the press release, please visit here.

June 1, 2019
Research on the Relationship Between Hotter Weather and Suicide

Dr Patsy Chau, Associate Professor of School of Nursing, has been interviewed by South China Morning Post in May 2019 for her research on the relationship between hot weather and suicide among the elderly.

The study reviewed approximately 8,000 suicide cases of residents aged 65 or above from 1976 to 2014, showing that there is a link between higher temperature and higher suicide rate among older people. Based on her findings, recommendations on preventive measures were made.

For a full version of the article, please visit here.

(South China Morning Post – June 1, 2019)

May 27, 2019
E-cigarette Ban

Dr Kelvin Wang, Director of the Master of Nursing Programme, has been interviewed by China Daily on his view towards the vaping industry. He advocates a total ban on e-cigarettes along with other new tobacco products as he felt that the vaping industry lures teenagers to try the wide range of cool flavours with designer appeal instead of as a substitute to smoking. Setting an age restriction will lead to teenagers to try e-cigarettes secretively.

The survey done in 2016/17 by the School of Nursing and School of Public Health was also quoted in the paper that 8.7 percent of secondary and 1.4 percent of primary school children (grades 4-6) had tried e-cigarettes.

For a full version of the article, please visit here.

(China Daily – May 27, 2019)

May 08, 2019
HKU School of Nursing invited to join the China Nursing Consortium of Elite Teaching Hospitals

In May 2019, the School of Nursing (the School), LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong has been invited to join the China Nursing Consortium of Elite Teaching Hospitals (the Nursing Consortium). This opens the way for the School to collaborate with eight other distinguished hospitals/nursing departments in the Nursing Consortium to facilitate cooperation and exchange experiences in clinical nursing education and training.

Being the only nursing institution in the Hong Kong SAR as a member of the Nursing Consortium, the School will play a leading role in modernizing nursing residency education in Mainland China and will actively engage in the Nursing Consortium.

For press release, please visit:

English version
Chinese version

March 08, 2019
Healthy Ageing in Public Rental Housing Estates Promotes Active Ageing

HK01 and Sing Pao published an article on a health talk under the Healthy Ageing in Public Rental Housing Estates Programme 2018/19 co-organised by the Hong Kong Housing Authority and HKU School of Nursing. The article featured over 100 elderly public housing tenants practising Tai-Chi led by the two AI robots of HKU School of Nursing.

The health talk is part of the Healthy Ageing in Public Rental Housing Estates Programme which aimed to promote active ageing among elderly tenants. The programme included a number of health talks on sarcopenia and its prevention organised for older tenants from different Public Rental Housing estates throughout the territory.

The programme started in September 2018 and ended in March 2019. Under the programme, the School also assisted in providing free health assessment for elderly tenants through home visits and setting up mobile health assessment stations in 13 Public Rental Housing Estates in Hong Kong, Kowloon and the New Territories, and one of the Housing Authority’s shopping centres. Exhibitions on sarcopenia were held alongside the stations to educate the elderly about the problem and how to prevent falls. According to the Housing Authority, a total of about 6,000 elderly tenants have benefited from various activities under the 2018/19 Programme.

For a full version of the articles, please visit:

Sing Pao

For press release, please visit:

Chinese version
English version

(HK01 – March 8, 2019 ; Sing Pao – March 13, 2019)

February 8, 2019
Virtual Reality (VR) in Nursing Education

Now News programme <杏林在線> broadcasted about HKU School of Nursing’s incorporation of Virtual Reality (VR) technology in the nursing education. According to the evaluation results, VR education can demonstrate the enhancement of student’s empathy level. The interview was also broadcasted on Viu TV Channel 99 on February 9, 2019.

For a full version of the programme, please visit:

Now News 

(Now News – February 8, 2019; Viu TV Channel 99 – February 9, 2019)

January 16, 2019
School of Nursing Promotes Healthy Ageing for Older People Living in the Community

The School of Nursing, in collaboration with the Hong Kong Housing Authority, organised the Healthy Ageing in Public Rental Housing Estates Programme 2018/19 starting from September 1, 2018. The programme aims to promote active lifestyles and healthy ageing among older tenants living in public rental estates. Led by an experienced community nurse, our nursing students provided elderly tenants with free health check services and advice on aged-related illnesses. The programme included three parts.

First, it was health checks that were performed at the tenants’ homes in Sai Wan Estate. Second, we set up mobile health assessment stations and mini health exhibition about sarcopenia in different public rental estates to educate tenants. To date the initiative has performed health checks for over 800 elderly and the mini health exhibition has received over 5,000 visitors. Third, we organised health talks about sarcopenia for 600 older tenants from 14 public housing estates in different districts.

The School of Nursing hopes to continue promoting healthy ageing in the community through various events and initiatives such as this.

An article was published on AM730 related to this programme on January 16, 2019.

For a full version of the article, please visit here.

(AM730 – January 16, 2019)


December 31, 2018
The Effects of Mindfulness Yoga

RTHK (Radio Television Hong Kong) news programme “鏗鏘集” interviewed Dr JoJo Kwok, Research Assistant Professor of HKU School of Nursing on the application and effects of mindfulness yoga in people with Parkinson’s disease. Patients with Parkinson’s disease who participated at Dr Kwok’s research study “Effects of Mindfulness Yoga versus Conventional Stretching and Resistance Training Exercises on Psychological Distress in People with Parkinson’s Disease: a Randomized Controlled Trial” were invited to demonstrate mindfulness yoga and sharing their thoughts. The programme was broadcasted on TVB on December 31, 2018.

(RTHK & TVB – December 31, 2018)

December 17, 2018
Cigarette Addiction and Smoking Cessation
RTHK radio programme


Dr William Li, Associate Professor of HKU School of Nursing and Director of HKU Youth Quitline was interviewed at a TVB news programme “最強生命線” on the topic – cigarette addiction and smoking cessation for youth. The HKU Youth Quitline and “Quit to Win” Smoke-free Community Campaign collaborated between the School of Nursing and School of Public Health of HKU Faculty of Medicine was featured and successful quitters of the programme were interviewed.

HKU Youth Quitline   
“Quit to Win” Smoke-free Community Campaign   

For a full version of the programme, please visit here.

(TVB – December 17, 2018)

November 13, 2018
Clinical Excellence

Ms Susanna Lee, Associate Professor (Nursing Practice), was interviewed at a RTHK radio programme “新紫荊廣場” to discuss her clinical experience in the nursing profession. She shared with the audience about the difference between Registered Nurse and Enrolled Nurse, and introduced different nursing specialties. She also highlighted the core values of CASH (Competence, Attitude, Skills and Heart) for being a nurse.

(RTHK – November 13, 2018)

RTHK radio programme


RTHK radio programme


RTHK radio programme


November 7, 2018
Improving Survival in Lung Cancer Patients

Professor Chia-chin Lin, Head of the School, in collaboration with HKU Centre for Sports and Exercise(CSE), has undertaken a 12-week pilot programme entitled "Improving Survival in Lung Cancer Patients: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) of Aerobic Exercise and Tai-chi Interventions" to examine the benefits of exercise in late-stage lung cancer patients. During July to September, 2018, 20 late-stage lung cancer patients joined the HKU “Exercise is Medicine” medical referral programme.

At the press conference jointly held by the University Health Services (UHS), the Centre for Sports and Exercise (CSE) and the School of Nursing on November 7, 2018, findings of the pilot exercise programme revealed that exercise led to improvement in cardio-respiratory fitness, functional performance, quality of life, emotional status, and sleep quality. Five cancer patients from the aerobic exercise or Tai-Chi group joined the press conference and told the media how their physical functions improved after joining the exercise programme.

Professor Chia-Chin Lin pointed out that the findings were encouraging. She hopes to help further improve the quality of life of patients suffering from cancer through the exercise programme.

For a full version of the press release, please visit here.

Impact of Cessation of Complementary Infant Formula in Public Hospitals on the Duration and Exclusivity of Breastfeeding by Professor Marie Tarrant


(From right) Dr Grace Loy, Physician of University Health Services; Professor Chia-Chin Lin, Head of School of Nursing; Dr Michael Tse, Assistant Director of Centre for Sports and Exercise, and participants of the 12-week pilot programme.

Impact of Cessation of Complementary Infant Formula in Public Hospitals on the Duration and Exclusivity of Breastfeeding by Professor Marie Tarrant


Professor Chia-Chin Lin revealed the result findings of the 12-week pilot programme.

October 15, 2018
Support for a Total Ban on E-cigarettes
Impact of Cessation of Complementary Infant Formula in Public Hospitals on the Duration and Exclusivity of Breastfeeding by Professor Marie Tarrant


Dr William Li, Associate Professor, HKU School of Nursing and Director, HKU Youth Quitline, among representatives from relevant sectors, attended a press conference held on October 5, 2018 backing the 2018 Policy Address’s initiative to ban e-cigarettes. A joint statement supporting the enactment of a total ban on e-cigarettes and other new smoking products has been released.

October 10, 2018
HKU School of Nursing and School of Public Health Help Persons in Custody to Quit Smoking
Impact of Cessation of Complementary Infant Formula in Public Hospitals on the Duration and Exclusivity of Breastfeeding by Professor Marie Tarrant


HKU Faculty of Medicine School of Nursing and School of Public Health, in collaboration with the Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health (COSH), will conduct a six-month scheme “Quit to Win” to help 15 persons in custody in Lo Wu Correctional Institution and 15 persons in custody in Stanley Prison to quit smoking.

During the six months “Quit to Win” Smoke-free Community Campaign, participants will be followed up with counselling and carbon monoxide breath test.

The “Quit to Win” Smoke-free Community Campaign aims to motivate smokers to quit smoking and understand the smoking hazards. For information, please visit here.

July 9, 2018
HKU School of Nursing Establishes Academic Elite Scholarship in Nursing

The School of Nursing has established the “Academic Elite Scholarship in Nursing” (the Elite Scholarship) to motivate high calibre students to maintaining an outstanding level of academic excellence over their 5-year study.

Starting from the academic year 2018-19, students who have obtained a HKDSE score of 28 or above would be awarded a scholarship of the value equivalent to the full tuition fees of their first year of study. If the student continues to achieve outstanding academic performance in subsequent study years, he/she will also be awarded a scholarship of the value equivalent to the tuition fees of the prevailing year.

Concurrently, awardees of the Elite Scholarship will also be awarded HK$21,000 under the “Entrance Scholarship in Nursing” (Entrance Scholarship) established since 2016. Students who have obtained a HKDSE score of 27 will be awarded HK$10,000. Students will be awarded a scholarship value of up to a maximum of HK$231,500 if he/she is able to demonstrate academic excellence throughout their study.

For a full version of the press release, please visit here.

May 31, 2018
HKU Youth Quitline Smoking Cessation Hotline Helps Youths Quit Smoking, Reduce Risk Behaviours and Promote Physical and Psychological Health
Youth Quitline Smoking Cessation Hotline


Since its establishment in 2005, the first Hong Kong youth-oriented smoking cessation hotline “Youth Quitline” operated by the Smoking Cessation Research Team of the School of Nursing in collaboration with the School of Public Health of the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, the Department of Social Work and Social Administration of HKU and the Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health aims to raise awareness of smoking cessation service among young people in Hong Kong and to provide free-of-charge smoking cessation service to youth smokers.

A press conference was held on May 31, 2018 to announce the phase four findings of the hotline service (December 1, 2016 – March 31, 2018). The “Youth Quitline” has helped over one-fifth of the participants who have joined the service for 6 months to quit smoking. The quit rate is about 3% higher than that of the previous phase. The hotline also helped participants reduce risk behaviours and promote physical and psychological health.

Dr William Li Ho-cheung, Associate Professor of School of Nursing, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, HKU and Director of the “Youth Quitline” Programme, hopes to further strengthen the training on the areas of coping skills for managing emotions and healthy lifestyle in the counsellor training programme.

For a full version of the press release, please visit here.

May 30, 2018
HKU School of Nursing held the 6th Serena Yang Lecture and Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Signing Ceremony with New York University Rory Meyers College of Nursing 
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Signing Ceremony
The 6th Serena Yang Lecture

The School of Nursing held the 6th Serena Yang Lecture entitled “What is Old is New: Trends for Nursing in Global Aging” on May 30, 2018. Professor Eileen Sullivan-Marx, Dean and Erline Perkins McGriff Professor of Nursing of NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing and President-Elect of American Academy of Nursing is an internationally renowned nursing expert, who examined what are the current best practices in the care of older adults and what still needs to be done or applied to ensure the best care for ageing communities and families in society.

A Signing Ceremony for a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with New York University (NYU) Rory Meyers College of Nursing was held before the Opening Ceremony of the 6th Serena Yang Lecture. The MoU outlines the academic cooperation and research collaboration between the two Schools, which helps the School to nurture our nursing students as a global leader with increased international mobility and widened global exposure.

For a full version of the press release, please visit here.

Nov 10, 2016
Youth Quitline Press Conference for Achievements and Smoking Cessation Research Findings 
Use of Electronic Cigarettes 2013-2016 by Dr William Li


The School’s smoking cessation hotline “Youth Quitline” was established in 2005, which is the first youth-oriented smoking cessation hotline in Hong Kong. The Youth Quitline Press Conference for reporting the achievements of Youth Quitline, the latest findings of the research and the use of electronic cigarettes in the past three years was held on November 10, 2016. The speakers included Dr William Li Ho-Cheung, Project Director of the “Youth Quitline” and Associate Professor of School of Nursing, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, HKU, Prof. Lam Tai-Hing, Sir Robert Kotewall Professor in Public Health and Chair Professor of Community Medicine, School of Public Health, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, HKU and Ms Vienna Lai, Executive Director, Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health.

“Youth Quitline” aims to raise the awareness of smoking cessation service among young people in Hong Kong and to provide free of charge smoking cessation service to youth smokers. It also aims to provide training to young people as peer smoking cessation counsellors. All these are always done together with vigorous research and evaluation to improve the Quitline service and generate new knowledge and evidence to support tobacco control.

For a full version of the press release, please visit:here

May 26, 2015
HKU Finds Adventure-based Physical Training is Beneficial to Children’s Cancer Survivors
Adventure-based Physical Training for Children’s Cancer Survivors by Dr William Li


In view of the new medical breakthrough for cancer screening and treatment, most of the children patients can be fully recovered by suitable treatments.  However, cancer itself and its treatment will pose adverse long-term effects to the survivors both psychologically and physically, e.g. they will feel fatigued easily, with decreased physical strength and endurance.  Their quality of life will be affected and they tend to do less physical activity, which will, in turn, further decrease their muscle strength and endurance, leading to poorer health.  Nevertheless, there is a growing concern about declining levels of physical activity among children’s cancer survivors.  Researchers from the School of Nursing, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong found that adventure-based physical training can help these survivors to build up their confidence and habits in doing regular physical activities.

For a full version of the press release, please visit here.

Apr 22, 2015
HKU Youth Quitline Appreciates Peer Smoking Cessation Counsellors in the 10th Anniversary Celebration Ceremony
HKU Youth Quitline 10th Anniversary Celebration Ceremony


The youth-oriented smoking cessation hotline “Youth Quitline” was jointly established by the Smoking Cessation Research Team of School of Nursing and School of Public Health of the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, the Department of Social Work and Social Administration of HKU and the Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health in 2005.  “Youth Quitline” has been funded by the Tobacco Control Office of the Department of Health since October 2011 to help youth smokers quit smoking.  “Youth Quitline” marks the tenth anniversary in 2015 and will continue to provide smoking cessation quitline service to youth smokers in the community and organise training programmes for nurturing young people to become peer smoking cessation counsellors.

For a full version of the press release, please visit here.

August 27, 2014
Diabetes Risk Score Smartphone Application (DRS App)
Diabetes Risk Score Smartphone Application (DRS app) by Dr Angela Leung


The School of Nursing has a new initiative for promoting public awareness on diabetes. This project was titled “Diabetes Risk Score smartphone application (DRS app): its application in diabetes prevention and health education” and funded by the Knowledge Exchange (KE) Funding Exercise 2013/14. Different departments worked together for this event and a media conference was held on 27 August 2014. Lots of positive comments about this project were received. Many users indicated that this tool was a non-threatening tool and they were happy in receiving individualized health educational advice through the app. This project is very successful especially in promoting public awareness on diabetes.

Dec 13, 2012
Impact of Cessation of Complementary Infant Formula in Public Hospitals on the Duration and Exclusivity of Breastfeeding Research Findings
Impact of Cessation of Complementary Infant Formula in Public Hospitals on the Duration and Exclusivity of Breastfeeding by Professor Marie Tarrant


Baby-friendly practices in public hospitals are steadily improving – Despite dwindling resources and manpower. In Hong Kong, in 2011 change in formula policy directly resulted in additional 88/1000 breastfeeding infants breastfed to 3 months; and an additional 46/1000 breastfeeding infants exclusively breastfed to 3 months. It was found that infant formula supplementation is one of the factors most strongly associated with early weaning from breastfeeding. The provision of free infant formula to hospitals by infant formula manufacturers has been a very effective marketing strategy for their products. When hospitals provide infant formula to new mothers, there is an implied endorsement by the hospital and the health-care provider of both the infant formula product itself and the specific brand that the hospital is providing. When institutions pay market value for infant formula products, there is more incentive to only provide formula when medically indicated.

Researchers from the School of Nursing, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong conducted a study to assess the impact of adopting a policy of paying market price for infant formula in public hospitals on infant formula supplementation rates and breastfeeding outcomes. Figures of 2006-07 and 2011-12 study were compared and examined. The amount of infant formula given to breastfeeding babies in the hospital was reduced by more than 50%. The percent of breastfeeding babies breastfed exclusively during the entire hospital stay (48 hours) increased from 17.1% to 41.5% from 2006 to 2012 – more than double. Overall, mothers in 2011-12 were 25% less likely to stop breastfeeding at any time point in the first 6 months. The average duration of breastfeeding increased from 8 weeks to 11 weeks.